I think somehow that sense of being a stranger in a strange land...being in the world but not of the world... but all of the little sigh posts from angels keep me in the game... and yes there is some boundless beauty through it all... it is these places that I hold onto...that when all is done will be what remains... everything else will be the shadows in the blinks between the eyes... It is there but not important...forgotten...
Revelation 21:21
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.
We are all tainted by the lower selves our higher selves come into contact with but it is in that place where lesser and higher collide where that special something called our humanness and humanity merge... where our humanness stretches us toward lower self and our humanity stretches us back toward our higher self... In this agitation and discomfort the pearls of our live are formed...