No offense, but this looks like it might really be evidence that somewhere between NASA and Fox, there were some workers experiencing a really slow day on earth crafting headlines with which to terrorize or advertise their audiences. I guess these are among the kinds of mysterious things passed off as news that through nobody's fault but my own, I am left to muse over in my unplugged state.....but when did Fox resort to what amounts to headlining their interpretation of the Rorschach Inkblot as worthy news? I seem to recall that Daryl and his brother Daryl once had a potato chip that manifested the image of Bob Hope, but then Daryl ate it. Let me guess, this is one of those things that require an ultrasound technician, a doctor and perhaps a few other experts to point to a fuzzy array of gray, sort of pulsing matter while saying "here is the heart, beating quite well, and over there is the brain .....". The parents to be share a cautious glance of uncertainty and murmur a dumbfounded "uh huh".... then daddy to be turns his head sideways and say "oh, yea, now I get it, I see what you are saying....that there is a leg, here are the lips - look, they are smiling right now, did you see that? - and that right there you can barely make out is an eye ", and the technician says "um, sorry, but those are actually the nose, the crack of the butt and of course the vagina, you are going to have a girl. Congratulations"