Anyone with a brain could see it, while it was happening - in spite of the "liberal mainstream media" denial and suppression of all of the lies. Liberal hell, they were in lock step with the ultra-right war mongers and will be again, when we invade/eradicate Iran all in the name of trying to create Armageddon so that JC will return to rescue the born-agains.
This guy came in with an agenda to wipe out Sadam even before he took office - something his daddy could have done but didn't do for humanitarian reasons. His propensity to lie to meet his and the goals of the ultra-right have nothing to do with "damned of you do, damned if you don't." He did as he damned well pleased - as he was pushed by the puppeteers, Cheney, Robertson, Falwell and the whole gang. They've accomplished what they set out to do when they went into office. The only thing left is Iran, all in a futile effort to fulfill bible prophecy.
"You are coming across a little tightly wound. Are you a preterist?"
There is no one more tightly wound than an evangelical looking for the return of JC in a body.
Jesus never left the planet and informed his followers of that fact "...for low I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth." The kingdom of god has been here for more than 2,000 years. John the Baptizer preached that fact, and so did Jesus. The message from each of them was for the here and now - not some future out-of-body experience.
I'm for the here and now and the kingdom of god that anyone can find if they would just follow what Jesus taught.
Bush is trying in vain to create Armageddon and millions of Left Behinders are praying for his success. It will never happen.
"Well, I hope you are able to make peace with your fears of
"Evangelical" is such a catch all word much like
Everyone has their own reasons for voting for certain people but as a Christian
I would not vote for President Bush or anyone with a reason like that."
Where in the world did you pick that up? I have no fear whatsoever of evangelicals. None. Zero. Zilch. They can get into all the world wars they wish to, that is not what Jesus or his message of the kingdom of god was all about.
I vote of my own free will.
The thread started with the fact that the Bush administration lied more than 500 times prior to the Iraq war to instill fear into everyone in order to substantiate (falsely) his invasion. You responded to the effect "oh well, all administrations lie" and I responded that this one overtly lied with a specific purpose in mind and is still lying. Their purpose is one of creating Armageddon, because that's what his constituency (evangelicals) wants in order to hasten the return of JC. That's the bottom line. Bush is a liar - with a purpose, and the biggest presidential liar in U. S. history. And he continues to lie and Iran is next, much to the cheering of the evangelicals.