You can twist and mistranslate the Greek word christos in anyway you wish but - "Christ" is the English translation of christos, or anointed. Nothing more, nothing less. The bible is full of anointed men. Everyone has the Christ within themselves.
"CHRIST" is not a name, it's a title. Long before "Jesus, who is called 'Christ,'" all kings of Israel held that title.
King Saul [as addressed by prince David]: 1 Samuel 24:6 RSV ... my lord, the LORD's anointed (MY LORD THE LORD'S CHRIST) LXX DOMINO MEO CHRISTO DOMINI (MY LORD, LORD CHRIST) Vulgate
Then David says to his men, of Saul: ... he is the LORD's anointed. KJV
King David Psalm 18:50 RSV; 2 Samuel 23:1 KJV Great triumphs he gives to
his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to David and his descendants
for ever.
David the son of Jesse ... the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of
the God of Jacob.....
"I agree. Christ means annointed.
It is interesting, to me anyway, that Jesus' name means: God Will Save.
So, Jesus Christ = God will save annointed.
Christ Jesus = Annointed God will save."
Holy Toledo - where do you get all of that. You didn't get it out of a Greek to English dictionary. Christ means anointed. There are numerous anointed ones in the bible - not just Jesus.
Someone has taught you the above, and they have had to lie and twist everything in order to do so.
You can quote Acts all you wish - I'll stick with quotes from Jesus.
"btw, why was your reply so angry (sounding)? Afraid of something?"
Anger? Because I said "Holy Toledo?" You can't tell the difference between amazement and anger?
I was simply amazed of the hoops you had to jump through to get to your own personal definition of christos.
I'm certainly not afraid of the modern Pharisees. Everyone can see their sick game, that's why particularly the teenagers are fleeing the evangelical movement en mass and that only 4% of them will remain (per an evangelical statistician.)
I continue to find it quite amazing that sects within faiths are often harder on each other than they are on other religions - myself included at times.
The message of Jesus was so simple that it is difficult for "educated" people to comprehend. I loved the biography of Joan of Arc: By Herself and Her Witnesses. (Not the movie The Messenger - with little fact or truth.) The story of an illiterate young woman so bent on her faith in god that not even 21 doctors of theology and the law could find one fault in her over several months of testimony. They finally had to find one minor flaw in what she said in order to burn her at the stake at age 19. It is that kind of simplicity, the simplicity that Jesus taught - without all the commentary and theologians hawking their books and DVDs, getting it all confused - that we need to get back to.
I believe we could all continue to learn to practice "therefore do unto others what you would have them do unto you, for that is the law and the prophets. (i.e. - the entire bible).
I'm still learning.
The entries in Wikipedia are written by anyone that comes along. You can write an entry in Wikipedia if you wish to do it. The Wikipedia entry that you copied was obviously written by a brainwashed new age Christian (as in revised from what Jesus taught). When you want to learn something, go to someone outside of your religion to get a true perspective on translations. I couldn't find an atheist on this topic, but I did find a Muslim. He does a fantastic job of pointing out that an anointed one is a title and that there are a gross of them in the OT. I'm not Islamic, I'm a Christian but this is a great job of pointing out a significant translation error/fabrication of the NT.
Ishaq Zahid
The words Messiah, prophet or messenger are generic words which can be applied to any prophet of God. However, Israelites were using the word Messiah to refer to the final messenger of God. Jesus (peace be on him) simply told them that he is not "that Messiah." It is worth reading the scholarly work of Ahmad Deedat, reproduced below.
The word CHRIST is derived from the Hebrew word Messiah, Arabic-Masih. Root word m-a-s-a-h-a, meaning to rub, to massage, to anoint. Priests and kings were anointed when being consecrated to their offices. But in its translated, Grecian form "CHRIST", it seems unique:befitting Jesus only. The Christian has a knack of transmuting baser metals into shining gold. What he is wont to do is to translate names into his own language like "cephas" to Peter, "messiah" to Christ. How does he do that? Very easily MESSIAH in Hebrew means anointed. The Greek word for anointed is "christos". Just lop off the 'os' from christos and you are left with christ. Now change the little 'c' to a capital 'C', and "hey, presto!" he has created a unique (?) name! Christos means ANOINTED, and anointed means APPOINTED in its religious connotation. Jesus (pbuh) was appointed (anointed) at his baptism by John the Baptist, as God's Messenger.Every Prophet of God is so anointed or appointed. The Holy Bible is replete with the "anointed" ones. In the original Hebrew - made a "messiah". Let us keep to the English translation - "anointed." Not only were prophets and priests and kings anointed (christos-ed), but borns, and cherubs and lamp-posts also.
Genesis 31:13 |
Leviticus 4:3 |
Leviticus 8:10 |
1 Samuel 2:10 |
Isaiah 45:1 |
Ezekiel 28:14 |
There are a hundred more such references in the Holy Bible. Everytime you come across the word ANOINTED in your English Bible, you can take it that that word would be christos in the Greek translations, and if you take the same liberty with the word that the Christians have done, you will have - Christ Cherub, Christ Cyrus, Christ Priest and Christ Pillar, etc.