Here I've been "wishing" I could afford to get the zappers that are confusing to try to sort through for their effectiveness to begin with--for $139-$169 on up to thousands $ for the Rife machine...
I don't know if you've posted before about the simple little 9 volt battery zapping, and I "pooh poohed" it- which is likely- it sounds too simple and too cheap to be worth trying...
It was under your post to Pratt for Sinus Infections:
use Clarks zapper for any and all infections. Bacterial, viral, doesn't matter. If you don't have a zapper you can get a simple 9 volt battery, that's the little rectangular one with the two poles on one end, get a little piece of paper towel and wrap it around one finger. Get it nice and wet and hold the battery with one hand with the wrapped finger and wet paper towel on it touching one of the poles. With the other hand keep your finger wet and tap on the other pole. I would just lick my tapping finger to keep it wet. Vary the tapping, fast, slow, but not too slow and do that for 7 minutes. It's the intermitant electrical charge that kills the bacteria and viruses. 7 minutes on 20 minutes off, 7 minutes on 20 minutes off, 7 minutes on. When you get an extra hundred bucks get a zapper. Can be found at (I think)
BUT IT WORKS! Not just for heading of the flu bug I was exposed to last week by 3 sick, in bed, people in my house- but you had just posted that information about just doing the tapping on the battery- and then we bought the Hulda Clark book, finally, instead of trying to read bits and pieces of it online--and my husband made me the very simple little zapper from the Hulda Clark book.
While it was heading off my headache that I knew was the start of the flu bug, I did the tapping on the copper pipes, simply attached to the 9 volt battery with alligator clips attached on either end of cheap lead wires (just the small electronic wires with copper wires inside, and plastic coating outside). Two wires, 4 alligator clips, 2 pieces of copper pipe, and a 9 bolt battery. That's it.
Wrap the copper pipes with a thin piece of paper towel- hold one in one hand, tap on the other one with the palm.
I did the 7 min on, 20 min off 3x--and I was definetly feeling it in the two bad parasite places that I have never gotten rid of.
2-12" ascaris the next morning Doc...when I zapped again, I knew exactly where they'd come from- the intensity in that spot wasn't like that anymore...but it was on the other side in the bad spot..
A 20-24" ascaris the next day Doc! It's hard to measure them because they fall apart, so that's a guess- but it was a big one. Again--I knew exactly where it was being hit when I was zapping, I could feel it intensely in my liver- different side, and when I zapped again, the intensity in that same spot wasn't there.
It reminds me of the electrical prod you put in the ground to run out earthworms--pretty soon you see them surfacing. These things must have wondered what the heck, and it made them surface from where they've been able to stay embedded :)
I'm doing the Clark 3 week mop up now for ascaris, and I'm kicking myself for thinking I HAD to buy a zapper I could not afford, or never would have felt like I could afford--when something so simple, and cheap, works so well.
It's not just the parasites that I knew the zapper would be something I truly needed- the Epstein Barr Virus I tested highly positive/chronic-reactive for; the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever I had when I was a kid that made me so sick; and the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) I was "gifted" with from my first husband when I was a 19 year old bride--almost 30 years ago..that never goes away.
THANK YOU DOC! I would have been a skeptic myself had I not tried it for warding off the flu bug, and felt and saw the results firsthand. I'm NOW feeling like I'm getting over the hump to where I can do maintainence--definelty using the zapper!
My husband is still going to build the one Hulda Clark gives the directions for made out of the shoe box...but until then, happy tapping. (THREE SESSIONS!)