The following is a transcript of an Akashic record consultation conducted by Douglas Cottrell. It is posted with permission; reproduction is permitted as long as it remains unadulterated and this notice is included. This information was obtained through deep trance meditation and should be used in a reasonable and practical manner.
Q: Please locate Easter Island in the South Pacific.
A: We have the place.
Q: There is a series of mysterious massive stone statues on this island. Who built them, when and for what purpose?
A: As you would examine the Pacific Rim or the Pacific Ocean shoreline, you would see that this particular ocean touches all the continents of the world. It is of the greatest association from one large land mass to another. However prior to its present appearance it was greatly different. Land masses extended well into the Pacific, what you would call Hawaii now was but mountains then. These were the peaks of the mountains, and even some subterranean exploration can determine these to be mountains themselves. But the entire region itself was well-populated, was well-cultivated and had been home to millions of individuals for years, decades, centuries. California is but a remnant of that what once was. If you would look at California top to bottom including the Baja Peninsula, you would find that term comes from this ancient time as to California, and it represent again some ancient civilization or mystical society that was a Garden of Eden. Here as there would be upheavals, prior or before the Rocky Mountains were formed, this was a large land mass and much of what you would call the Badlands in the southwestern United States were but the ocean seabed then. As the Rockies were formed because of the collapse of this large plain, west of North America and west of Central and South America, the mountains forced upwards causing the North American continent to drain eastward. What was left as the west coast was a refuge for those peoples who were able to survive this great disaster. Peoples branched out throughout the world in all directions, 360 degrees, more towards the west and the east than the south pole and the north pole, but they branched out wherever they could. Much loss of life took place. In an instant so to speak, the entire plateau collapsed and the waters from the surrounding oceans rushed in. This was caused by a multitude of earthquakes, but more by volcanic action or volcanic eruptions. The name "The Ring of Fire" is applied to this area because it is so highly volcanically active; it exist then and it exist now. However to the question itself, those who survived, those who succeeded in migrating to safe lands, places, this great flood recounted in a time of Noah as before Noah of Biblical fame, you will find that these are but remembrances of tombstones or monuments that look westward, for all those who lost their life- the untold millions you see. The peoples here on this island were Lemurians who had escaped from the land of Mu and Og, that there would be from the southern regions to those that would be in the eastern shores of Japan, this continent stretched. Southeast to northwest you will find even now that there is some current investigation and documentation off the coast of Japan in which some remnants would be found. The culture was similar to the Atlantean, but was before the Atlantean. But as this upheaval took place, there was a fleeing easterly, and in the Good Book you would find that there is some recounting of those peoples that came to Egypt, or China and then Central Africa, India, from the East and from the West, for those that went westward went through Japan, or those areas of the South Pacific, some remnants on islands became independent, for they arrived and were able to sustain themselves, others continued on to Egypt itself. Those who came from the west were those that actually crossed the Gulf of Mexico to Atlantis and built up a culture there, ultimately to move on to Egypt itself. For those from the East arrived in Egypt first, years later those from the West or Atlantis arrived as well, about 6,000 years ago. However the monuments that purportedly were walking and talking and the eyes that could see to great distances were to remember the millions of people that lost their life rather quickly when the entire continent submerged, when the Rocky Mountains were formed, when the Ring of Fire bristled and burnt and acted as a series of volcanic eruptions in a ring-like shape around the continent. Indeed it affected the weather and the sunlight in Europe and other places for many years. The place itself, to those that at the time would be seen as an ancient graveyard, and respect to the ancients was offered through the building of these stone, silent statues in their original intention- some generations of course after there had been relocation or rooting of the original peoples.
Q: There are theories that ancient structures such as the pyramids in Egypt are evidence of ET technology on earth. Would you please explain whether such alien technology has ever existed or continues to exist on earth and provide some examples?
A: From ancient times there would be the records in the Hall of Records, for this is not the first age in which there has been such knowledge, such capabilities to move through the air, to move into space, or to move through dimensions. This that you perceive now is not the time of Adam and Eve, but that of the time before their time. As such, there is technology, there is understanding, there is great awareness, but each item, everything has its time and its place and understanding this is most important. In attempting to understand the mathematical aspects of the pyramids, and the formulas that are contained within, for the structure itself is a labyrinth of formulas and the keys of understanding them are all in mathematical equation, or mathematical understanding in geometry, which if you would understand what is held in the microcosm is also held in the macrocosm, it is a fulcrum point for it is a point of great understanding, it represent the human soul, the human mind and human body and how complex they are and how fragile they are. There is records within that of the pyramids, within those stones themselves, that would be on certain points upon the land along the let us call it magnetic force lines or Ley Lines as they might be called by some, certain lines in which the planet itself has points of intersection, of energy knowledge and thought. Churches tend to be built one upon the other in the same place, age after age, as does from the beginning of time, certain gathering points upon the planet are evident. Why cities continue for thousands of years in the same place, why there are certain monuments upon the planet, these are all indicative of that that would come from long ago in which these certain points or places would be special places to humans as you know humans, a bridge point, an advancing point, a dot on a line or timeline you see, does not matter. It is that each has its own consciousness and each is perceived in its own way, but to that that would be the understanding of ancient times, the memory of those times before time, this is what is taking place here in the monuments as you would know them. To the reference of Ra, and the civilization before, look to the civilization not based on the accumulation of wealth, but on the accumulation and provision to others, to the state of well-being and how each can make itself optimally the best that it could be. To this end you would therefore find the peoples who would have such great understanding, would understand the forces that are within the pyramids, the Sphinx and the dwellings throughout the world for here the world was with the power to levitate stones to make them float in the air, and balls of metal and crafts that would float through the air like great ships. These will once again come into the understanding or the state of being, again. It is the conflict between the minds, between the races, that is the problem as then, as now. The conflict, the fighting, this must end so that there can be the greatness that once was. However to the question, the comment has been more to the realm of understanding of the race mind, but these particular places would prove to be collection points, points in which knowledge was stored, depositories or libraries, vaults you see. Once again, key to understanding the frequency or the vibration will be brought forward and this knowledge will be made known throughout the world but until then it would be preceded and sought, for the perfection that it is.