My husband is O and I'm B. We also had lived on chicken basically. We went to great lengths to get the free-range and organic chicken for years.
Here's what we did. We purchased the meats that are mutually beneficial and neutral. We ground all of it and mixed it together; froze it in family sized packs.
We have learned that there are hundreds of ways to prepare "meat loaf," Chili, cassaroles and etc. There are many different ways to enhance the flavors. The chicken flavored vegetable broth is one suggestion. Of course a good organic beef broth is excellent. Red pepper, yellow onions, a little garlic. Ginger is wonderful with the meats. Experiment - take the challenge.
Be SURE to advise us of any of your culinary discoveries.
Keep trying. After 21 days, you will more than likely find that you won't even like the flavor and texture of chicken. {It takes 21 days to change a habit.}