Hi Danielle: No I wasn't on any other medications. I'm not sure how it works, but I think you can click on my name and it will show you all my posts, my history. I was seeing like 5 different doctors and given every test under the sun to find out what was wrong with me for those 9 months. They didn't even know what to give me or what was going on with me. It was a year from hell. I really thought it would be easier on my family if I did have something terminal and that I would go fast. Can you imagine? It really is a blurr as to how I functioned with a family. I have my husband and 3 kids, 15, 13 & 4. They were all in different schools that year. I functioned like a zombie - I very scared, wanted to crawl up in a ball somewhere zombie. But we have to take care of our kids. I remember after removal when I actually thought something was funny and laughed. It was significant. I think that was the point that I actually relaxed some and knew I would be ok. It took alot of time. Only recently do I feel like I am 97% back to feeling like myself. It might be somewhat a new "myself", but that's ok too. Your kid's are small yet so it must be hard to take time for yourself and relax. Let your husband know that you need some quiet time and go do something for yourself. Even 1 hour can help.
I think it's terrible that you had the Mirena for such a short time and it affected you so much. It sucks. I think it's just getting your hormones back in balance. I tried to read books - I know alot of people don't like Oprah ( I do) Her GYN has a book out of Perimenapause that talks alot about your hormones and I found it to be VERY helpful. She even has the tests listed that you should get if you feel that your hormones are out of balance. I think she's Christine Northrup?? Maybe check your local library, they usually have it. Just those few chapters helped me understand a little more.
I'm not familiar with your medication, but don't be afraid to try something else if it's not working. It sounds like you are depressed, I would think if your emotional alot. Someone posted a few days ago what anxiety felt like and she explained it perfect. It was exactly what I feel when I have them. I had
Depression too, but that lifted by itself.
I think in a perfect world, your husband could take you away for a long weekend so you can relax. Actually, one thing I did do when I first started to feel alittle better, was got a baby sitter to go out to dinner with my husband on Friday nights. Just 2 hours or so and I always enjoyed that time to just breathe.
Boy, I'm rambling on. I hope I answered some of your questions. Look up my posts from maybe January of 07, all my horrible symptoms are there. Best to you.