I come back and read what you wrote Scott, and shake my head. I just cant believe what you wrote, it looked exactly like something 'somebody else' wrote on her forum, right before she withdrew into herself and became self-righteous about everything she posted. This is a debate forum, a debate forum for
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , of which you decided to debate my character instead, and then retreated to a forum where I am banned.
You've pretty much lost all credibility with me at this point, and have succeeded in making
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement look even more ridiculous than it was. Endorsing
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for pregnant women, and endorsing MMS for ALL medical conditions is simply irresponsible. I've seen it posted quite a few times on the support forum that MMS is a 'new' treatment, and some of the participants feel they are 'pioneers'. Chlorine dioxide isnt 'new' at all, it's been around for a LONG time, it's a chemical additive. And just like most
additives that were approved by the government, it has it's risks and dangers. I've seen reports that chlorine dioxide can cause fetal injury, and that it can cause neural issues. This isnt a 'new' area of research, it's an old area, jus a different way of using it.
Keep insisting that people take less and go slow Scott, at least thats somewhat responsible.