"This is of concern because even if you did not release stones, you probably did release some old toxic bile. It is not good for the body to absorb any waste released from a Liver Flush"
I just flushed last night/today and had a few loose and watery bm's. Got a few stones out and probably some parasites or lots of sludge. I ate lightly today: some cabbage/carrots/onions/garlic yams and plantain in olive oil. Right now I am starting to feel pain in my mid upper back. I am feeling great otherwise but the pain in the back is starting to feel like a gb attack coming on. I am trying to do some reflexology right now and am getting momentary pain relief.
Question: Would it be ok to do an enema tonight to get rid of any toxic bile? I usually do coffee enemas. Just wondering if it would be too much stress on the liver night after an lf?
NMFFM, I had a "clump" get caught during a flush. It scared me more than it hurt me.
At the time I was already taking Julia Chang's GCG, so I upped the dosage a bit, I kept hot lemonaide by my side, probably added acv and/or es to it. I'd determined to do another flush the following weekend ... I'm single and working and I HAD to work. I'd known the stone was stuck on Sunday night, on Tues morning with no flush cocktails, I heard that familiar gurgling and knew to be heading for the pot. I passed 2 grape-size stones that were black and a good handful of what I'd call black sand. Something that size was stuck in my liver BEFORE I flushed, perhaps it was just the next thing to go and wasn't quite ready. IMMEDIATELY on that moving out, a major part of my liver pain was gone for good.