Aw! Poor thing. Thats the problem with the psy-chic business, you only get one shot to get the answer right. They should require that the questioner has to ask their question in a multiple choice form.
I bet Miss Brown could get down then. Go girl!!!
Well its just not easy being psycheesy! She should at least get two chances to get the right answer before people start judging her!Maybe her Ouija board was dirty that day! I use hydrogen peroxide on mine, same as my majik 8 ball then they work so much better, but heck even they are wrong sometimes!
Ouji boards and 8balls do not have human minds! Minds that can connect to other dimensions and times/places and exchange molecules of consciouness. That is why psychics and predict the future, but they cannot know everything. Knowing everything would take away the ability to know everything of those they connect to.
Oh I know I hate know it alls! I mean who wants to know everything anyway then you would be able know to everything and you would go bonkers big time!And lots of people would be mad at you for knowing about them and the things they don't want you to know about ,you would'nt be very popular!
Ok I'll stop, you win I give up, was just trying to have a little fun ,at Sylvia expense I suppose! I quess no one understands my sense of humor! Boo hoo!
People generally HATE...what they themselves are lacking in, so, the message speaks clearly for itself.
Being mad or angry at others for ATTAINING what you yourself have refused to attain and learn, clearly tells you that you are expressing limitation and closed mindedness.