MH 108
The retards that try to sell what they have called B12 make up all the BS that clogs books on library shelves around the world and lead millions into a maze of false info.
You can't buy b12, no one can make it for you, etc.....
ANYTHING our body needs, it makes and what science calls b-12 is made in the body, not because we ate something unnatural.
David Christipher gives an educaion on the b-12 subject the only people that don't make it are those who pop drugs/vitamins and otherwise have metals in them, such as dental and for the metal consuming people, NO, they won't make vitamin 12 from what I have read. They can take their b-12 shots and pills and never ever have the real thing and being a fruitairian has ZERO to do with this subject.
Most authors are so worthless their books are suitable for the dumper. All vitamin books are no-brainers, they were suitable for the dumper before they were written.
WE make our own vitamins from the SUN
We eat fruits in an effort to rob the fruit of its vitamins and if we eat the fruit within 7 minutes of being picked, then we are said to absorb or at least convert some of the fruit vitamins into human vitamins.
Many books written prior to 1950 are full of bs and most written after 1950 are all bs.