Hi Ya'll,
Here is just one person complaining about getting Dirrhea from using MMS and they just cannot understand "WHY"?
Their Quote: It's so hard to understand that diarrhea would continue when MMS is stopped with some people. MMS does not last in the system beyond 12 hours. I wonder what is causing this.
Answer: As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
As I have shared several times already, when a person decides to take Too much MMS(Sodium Chlorite) "Bleach" it may "Kill" the Good Digestive bacteria in the Gut and Cause anerobic bacteria(Lacking Oxygen bacteria) to take over, thus allowing for "Putrification" to set in, which may Cause too much Acids, thus may Cause Diarrhea?
And we may also need to consider that Excess Sodium we may Release in our Digestive system, which has the ability to attract Large amounts of water to it's self, may Cause the Diarrhea to start under certain conditions also, thus giving a Sodium Flush?
When "WE" "Kill" our Good Digestive Bacteria what do we expect to happen in our Gut?
Where has Common Sense gone to in some folks?
How many times do some folks need to be run over by the speeding train to come to realize that it may not be a good idea to step out in front of the speeding train?
Consider the need for Chlorine to be like the need for Arsenic for the Heart?
The Heart "Only" needs a very small trace amount of arsenic and preferably in a form bound in a Complexed Carbohydrate !
But, if "WE" are Stupid enough to take Elemental Arsenic vs a Carbohydrate Complexed Arsenic, above this very small trace amount, then "WE" may expect to "Kill" something, which may end up being ourself?
As usual the Quest for a Magic Pill for those un-willing to learn to take Personal Responsibility for the Health of their bodys by learning to "Stop" stuffing it with "Junk" Foods may never come to an end?
So, the Masses of folks may sink Deeper into more Sickness and Disease and may be ever increasing and continue to fuel the Fire of Riches for the Slick Salesmen of the Drug companies and what others may be trying to take "YOUR" Hard Earned Cash for their Profit !
Cause and Effect !
Eat Junk and end up Feeling like Junk !
In this case it may be more about Failing to learn to have Compassion for ones own body because of a Lack of knowing the "Truth"?
Do I remember something in the Good Book about Seeking the "Truth" and learn to apply it properly and it shall set "US" Free?
What does this have to say about "ALL" the Sick and Diseased folks in the world who are Slaves to their "own" Sickness and Diseases?
It has been Common knowledge for centuries that a little bit of Table Salt(Sodium Chloride) is good for the body !
For many wars have been fought over a supply of Salt !
But, it has also been known that a little too much Table Salt may "Kill" the person !
What has happened to so many folks to Cause this Lack of Common Sense?
Could it be that too many folks have Failed to acknowledge their Creator "GOD" and thus have Failed to be able to learn the "Truth" in their Seeking?
Could it be instead that their God may be the God of this world, whom is Satan the Devil himself and he is the one who has Decieved them into believeing in False info?
And could it be that those who do not want to believe there is Satan the Devil, may do so for thus if they learned the "Truth" that there is Satan and he is the Devil, that maybe he is their "God" and thus they would have to admit they were following the Deciever of all of mankind into Death?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? And there run the folks away who do not want to take Personal Responsibility for their own choices in Life !
Rather than believing in the one "True" God, whom is the Creator of the Entire Universe and has established certain Laws of Mathamatics and Physics, which control the entire Universe and everything in it?
And those who either knowingly or because of being Deceived by Satan the Devil himself, Break these laws and thus bring Sickness and Disease upon themself and their Future generations !
Chlorine Gas was used in world war 1 and 2 to "Kill" people, don't you supposed it will still do the job of "Killing" folks yet today when one gets too much of it?
And where does Chlorine Gas come form?
Could it come from "ANY" compound, which contains "ANY" form of Chloride, just like Sodium Chlorite, when too much is used and the right conditions and other elements exist to cause the conversion from a chlorite or chloride into Chlorine Gas?
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
And mankind continues to be a sucker for the Next Magic Pill !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.