logical answer- follow the money!
Actually here is a better question, why after an incident has occured does the
Webmaster clean it up as if it has never taken place, all sanitized
"protection of the guilty", no evidence of provocation, only the non -insider being left to look like an idiot after being provoked and then banned so they have no recourse to address.
Kangeroo court
They will be sued, and the issue will be addressed in the judicial system.
It's one thing to wnat to sell things and a little different if CZ is allowing their favorite sons to damage property to protect the guilty
There is a great thing about unethical behavior ie, it does not go unpunished on the etheric level- the beauty of Karma
Even those willing to take a stand aginst it, are willing to come back to abuse those that abused this time around. There never has been a free lunch
If you are a conscious person you realize you will be upping the ante with these souls and next time around you will be the one to control and act out against, hurt, these exact souls. And so the entrapment of Karma begins, carries on-each time we have the opportunity to take or make a different decision.
It is sad but to be expected those with power on this plane misuse and abuse it, but it is always evened out in the long run
"It's a long end game"
No one makes the rules but the Universe