Dr. Sutter:
I was looking back at some of the old posts on your forum. I have been jotting things down in a notebook/calendar since I started all of this, (parasite cleansing/liver flushing-- but it really is interesting to reread things you have said to me before. In rereading through this particular thread, it struck me, again, how important the information is- and if anyone that is new to forum hasn't read it, it's worth repeating. I'd like to repost parts of what you said.
One of the threads I was rereading, I had asked you about what happens when people do the parasite cleanse...but not the liver flush- especially if there are flukes in the liver (I was asking with my kids in mind). I'll copy/paste your reply from your own experience:
Thanks for the interest and questions.
The bugs can, and do, pass without doing a liver flush. Back in 96 I discovered Awarenes Corps "Clear". Within three days of starting that I started passing Cockroach looking bugs. Passed a total of 78 of them. I didn't start all those flushes until 98 when the bugs were all gone and the debris they left behind had to be removed. Your son won't go through that. Matter of fact I've never seen anyone else have to go through that (the daily flushes) except another Vietnam vet.
You have to remember those bugs were with me for at least 27 years at the time. I was loaded with them and they left quite a bit of debris behind with that anesthetic charactoristic. Your son and daughters haven't even been alive as long as I had those bugs in me. So don't worry about all that debris. They were tropical parasites which apparently are much worse than any other kind.
When I did the big parasite cleanse in 97, I lost 22 pounds of them. Most people don't pass even one pound of parasites. So that anesthetic quality doesn't really apply.
Barefoots Liver/gallbladder balance helps quite a bit with healing the liver and keeping it open. If your kids don't want to do a liver flush they can do that for a week or so and that should be good enough.
But as a general rule once the bugs die they fall right off wherever they were attached and pass right on through. The human body is very good at expelling foreign debris.
Now, once you get up in years a bit the liver might need a little help passing the dead bugs. Thus, the liver flush.
If your kids are reasonably healthy they shouldn't have to do the liver flush. If you do suspect liver congestion try barefoots liver/gallbladder balance for a week or so. If that dosn't work the liver flush will be necesary.
Doc Sutter
This following post, I think is important enough to hear repeated, and repeated.
Pioneer1 was just about to do the first liver flush, and was asking about the order of doing a Parasite Cleanse and Liver Flushing, and these were your words about that:
Alway, always, always do an antiparasite protocol BEFORE flushing. Always. Has to do with blood pressure and great volumns of poisons being released into the body from the parasite excretions (waste products).
One of the main reasons the stones form in the first place is to protect the body from the normal metabilic waste products of the parasites. Plus, they encapulate the eggs to protect the body.
So, ALWAYS do an antiparasite formula for a minimunm of two weeks before any kind of liver flush. ALWAYS.
Doc Sutter
There's alot of good information here, but the one other one that was interesting to me was in you telling Plzchuckle that you yourself had, about a year ago, found green stones in yourself- and how the green stones indicate eggs/parasites still present.
Hi Chuckles: As a general rule if you're passing stones you still have some parasites in the liver. If the stones are dark green or gray they've been it there for quite a while. There usually is some eggs behind that stone. Within two weeks you've got all the parasites symptoms again.
Happened to me about a year ago. I hadn't needed any bug killer in years. I passed about 6 dark green stones after a flush in October last year. (I hadn't flushed in 6 months). I didn't think much about it. Two weeks later all the sysmptoms came back. Eggs behind the stones.
I think the biggest reason the stones develop in the first place is the bodies attempt to isolate the parasite eggs to protect the rest of the body from the bugs.
I tried Clarks flush just once and I couldn't drink the epsom salts. Gave me a lump in my throat so bad I couldn't swallow. So I never did complete the flush. So I've gone with the coke, olive oil and lemon flush. I've never had a problem with it. Nothing ever caught in the Common Bile duct and usually feel great the next day or even after the oil passes (about 4-6 hours).
I've heard about the lemonaide flush but haven't heard of anyones results one way or the other about it. But as a general rule if it makes you sick the next day I doubt it's effectivenes. Or it means the bugs are still there.
You can go too far with the flushes too. When the liver needs to heal it needs to heal, don't be flushing it out. You'll flush out all the necesary components that are doing the healing. Thus you'll get sick for a few days afterwards. Well, not really sick but very fatigued, run down feeling, no energy. Of course I learned that the hard way.
After a successful flush it seems like the body says "Thank you". If it makes you sick the next day you've still got some parasites. If it wipes you out for up to a week back off on the flushes.
The best way to recognize you need a flush is the food won't go down. You eat a meal and it just sits there. Then you start to bloat and have that full feeling forever.
Other symptoms include: Bowels won't work right, urine gets real dark (almost orange), body odor, fatigue, bad attitude, depression, and probably a few more. Of course if left alone leads to all the so-called diseases.
Anyway, I'd like to know about the lemonaide flush.
Doc Sutter
I have a couple of questions from what you've said here. What DOES happen when numbers of liver flushes are done without killing the parasites- especially if it's not just a few, but a lot of liver flushes without parasite cleansing?
And, from finding your own stones, indicating parasites/eggs, is that why you now recommend that the Barefoot dewormer for maintenance be taken more than what Barefoot recommends, which is 1 TB a week?
The egg hatching/killing them by taking it every 3rd day makes more sense to me because of living in a world of being exposed to them and, as careful as we'd like to be, the chances of reinfections in our every day lives.
Also...DO you still take the Awareness Clear on occasion now??
It must be tiring to repeat things Doc, but I can be in a different place than when you first told me something originally, and I can see it from a different angle than when I first heard it.
I never tire of hearing about your journey through all of this!