I started taking it Christmas of 2007 and within hours my sinuses opened up on both sides of my head and both sides had not been open for many years. My Wheezing from smoking all those years stopped in 2 days. My mild
Arthritis went away. my age spots on my hands have been fading away, and my circulation on my hands and feet seem to be improving as well. I think my eyesight is getting better as well (but that is just subjective). I have increase stamina in what ever I do. All this within one week. started on 3 drops, once a day, uped it 2 drops per day until looses stools and backed off a bit to 8 drops.
I am approaching my 2 week period. I notice that I usually have some mild symptom like itching or a small tweak of a pain, a sneezing spell, a loose stool, a bit of nausea that last for a few minutes,or a bit of a productive cough, just before some other condition starts getting better.