What inhale the Life in formulas and equations ?
What must be present in a body to make it alive ?
My answer.
Soul. Quantum of Light.
Why Light Quanta?
At first God said: let there be light and there was light.
From all particles, only and only
the Quantum of light is a privileged particle.
Only Light quantum has
the speed of absolute quantity c=1.
No other particle can travel with the speed c = 1.
Other particle can travel only with the speed s=d/t.
The physicists said: light quanta has dualistic behaviour.
According a " big bang" our Universe exist 13 (+ ) billion years.
My gestation is:
Is it possible to create a child from cell [ zigota] only in 280 days
according to probability theory? If " yes "it will be take time not
280 days but will take time more than our Universe exist.
If " no " so the process must have aim.
It means somebody /something must manage this process.
And, please, remember this process is always individual.
Some people that survived from clinical death,
claim that they saw light, they saw their material body
and everything happening around as from the side,
that in this moment they were not a material body.
Who were they?
All of us have the personal God / Soul and it is Quantum of light.
=========== . ========
In ancient Indian composition "Bhagavat-Gita" was said:
"You carry in yourself the Greatest friend,
whom you do not know.
Because God lives inside every man,
but not everybody can find him".
In Dzen-Buddhism it is said about the possibilities of a man
"to find Buddha in his nature".
An Arabic poet Omar al-Khayyam,
admirer of Sufism, wrote:
"What is your flash, Khayyam?
Tent where for overnight's stop,
As a wandering shah,
the spirit made a stop".
Best wishes.