Actually yeah, I don't take the damaging effects of heroin lightly either. In fact opium is a much safer substance. Heroin, having had the oils removed from it is just another drug and no longer carries the wisdom of the plant from which it came.
Tylenol and similar drugs have their place, but not in my life. Apart from their toxic effects on an individual's body, I think they have a damaging effect on society and medical wisdom. The attitude of, if you can hide/deny a symptom then no further effort need be made in fixing its cause, is so accepted in Western society that many people find themselves in a lot of shock and confusion when they are diagnosed with a serious illness after “middle age”. If society as a whole encouraged us all to care for our bodies lovingly from childhood, much of this disease, shock and trauma could be averted.
I know I’m preaching to the converted, and I’m no supporter of heroin, morphine or methodone… Where there are no oils there is no life, and this applies to all medicines IMO.