Between Huckabee's "Paul is dead" quote and Tim Russert's admonition to Ron Paul on
Meet The Press to "Stay safe on the campaign trail" it is time to say that there can
be no doubt about it: These are threats. The establishment is delivering a big time
message to Ron Paul.
They know what is really going on. They know the real poll numbers.
Ron Paul is doing very well and they are very worried.
The reason that the Ron Paul revolution is so worrying to the members of the
Establishment is because this revolution is the most disturbing in history.
What I mean is that this revolution is the most disturbing to them.
The Ron Paul Revolution is the first web based revolt. This is the first truly
post-modern political movement.
Pundits declare that Ron Paul is the Internet's choice for the Presidency. But when
I drive to the store, in my very liberal town, I don't see any yard signs for Rudy,
Hillary or anyone but Ron Paul and he has five signs. If this is an Internet
revolution ii is now threatening to break through to the larger outside world.
The meaning behind being the Internet's choice is what is interesting here. Like it
or not, in my own decidedly unscientific polling of people, I have decided that
those people who get most of their information about current events from the
internet are better informed. I have also discovered that those people who get most
of their information from TV or the newspapers are the most ill informed.
So if Ron Paul is the Internet's choice, and the people who get their information
from the internet are better informed, than that can only mean that Ron Paul is the
choice of the best informed of Americans.
And this is what is rubbing Paul the wrong way with those in charge.
This is not a revolution like anything that has occurred in the past. This
rebellion, best personified by Ron Paul, is a knowledge-based revolution.
This is a rebellion based on the facts.
In a sense it is the worst possible nightmare for the elites.
This is a rebellion by the most intelligent of the population.
And they will out-think everyone else.
This is a rebellion of the intelligent against the plans of those who are also
But unfortunately for them we have the numbers. There are more of us than them. And
we are also putting up our own money for this rebellion.
Because the elites know all of this they are stymied. They don't want to resort to
violence, yet, but they are resorting to threats. They are trying to unnerve Ron
Paul. But history is on our side and we have a candidate who is smart, like us.
Give your money to Ron Paul. Write to Tim Russert and tell him what you think. Thank
the universe every day for the Internet and do everything you can to make sure that
the monkeys in Congress don't let anything happen to it.
But most importantly join the Ron Paul revolution.
"He who casts the votes decides nothing. He who counts the votes, decides
everything." Stalin.
ELRON - VOXEO: The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies the Iowa Caucus
Posted By: ChristopherBollyn
Date: Monday, 31 December 2007, 8:10 a.m.
The Israeli Defense Company
That Tallies the Iowa Caucus
By Christopher Bollyn
The Iowa caucus is only a few days away and the nation's attention will be directed
to the results, which signify the beginning of the U.S. presidential race. But does
anyone watch who tallies the results of the Iowa caucus?
The Iowa caucus results were tallied in 2004 by a company that is headed by a man
whose company was bought by Elron Electronics, the Israeli defense firm. I suspect
that it will be the same this year. Don't expect to see any grassroots political
activists doing the tally in Iowa. The Israeli defense establishment takes care of
that part of the American "democratic" election process.
In the summer of 2004, I first learned that a foreign and out-of-state company using
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology tallied the Iowa caucus results.
The system used to tally the 2004 Iowa caucus results was provided by a company
called Voxeo, which was apparently based in Orlando, Florida. (Yellow flag goes up
in the mind of those familiar with Orlando and electronic vote fraud history. See
Bollyn article on Wang below.)
The calls from the nearly 2,000 caucus centers in Iowa went to a Voxeo call center
in Atlanta, Georgia.
On January 31, 2005, I wrote to Michelle Bauer, Iowa's Secretary of State with some
questions about the use of Voxeo, a foreign company located in Florida, to tally the
results of the Iowa caucus:
Subject: How was the Iowa Caucus Tallied?
Dear Sirs,
When I visited the headquarters of the Democratic Party in Des Moines last summer, I
learned that the tally of the Iowa caucus had been "out-sourced" to a company in
Atlanta, Georgia.
What this means is that the tallying of the Iowa caucus results was done over the
telephone, using the touch-tone buttons, to enter the results from each caucus
I am interested in how this was done, and why. Why did the Democratic Party allow
the crucial tally of the caucus results to be done by a company in Atlanta? Don't
they trust their own math skills?
Can any of you provide any information about this matter?
Kind regards,
Christopher Bollyn
A person named Mike Milligan wrote back on behalf of Secretary of State Bauer:
Mike Milligan wrote:
Dear Christopher:
The Secretary of State forwarded me the email you sent to then on Monday, January
31, 2004 [sic] regarding the Iowa Caucuses.
Unfortunately you either received some incorrect information in your travels or are
confused. The Iowa Democratic Party completed all of the caucus night tabulations in
Iowa, in the Des Moines/Polk County Convention Center, which was the Caucus night
HQ. In fact, our tech staff wrote the software that tabulated the results.
To answer your second to last question, we feel we have a comfortable grasp of
Mike Milligan, Executive Director
Iowa Democratic Party
(515) 244-7292 ex. 676
I wrote this note back to Mr. Milligan:
Dear Mr. Milligan,
I am responding to you about how the caucus results for the Iowa Democratic Party
were tallied on the night of the nation's first caucus. After checking my sources, I
can assure you that it is correct that an out-of-state telephone/computer system
tallied the Iowa precinct results.
The system used was provided by Voxeo Corporation based in Orlando, Florida. The
calls went from Iowa to a call center in Atlanta, Georgia.
This information was first provided to me last August by John McCormally,
Communications Director for the Iowa Democratic Party in Des Moines, Iowa.
Today I called Voxeo (800) 305-5771 in Orlando and although I didn't go into detail,
the receptionist confirmed that Voxeo had conducted the telephone tally of the Iowa
Democratic Caucus results.
How is it that you don't know that?
McCormally told me that chairmen were selected in all 1,993 precincts and these
chairmen called in on touch-tone phones and after giving their PIN number, were able
to enter the results from their precinct using the touch-tone number pad.
I'm not going to go into great detail at this point, but this procedure of using an
out-of-state computer company to tally the precinct results for the Iowa Democratic
Caucus lacks the transparency and openness that one might expect in this exercise in
grass-roots poll.
Clearly, if someone wanted to adjust the results, it would be the easiest thing to
do to do it through this computer system in Orlando, Florida. The Democrats in Iowa
would never be aware of it, regardless of their math skills, unless the paper
results were carefully audited in an open and honest manner.
Christopher Bollyn
Now, who really is Voxeo, and why are the Iowa caucus results tallied by them? I
don't know if the 2008 Iowa results will be tallied in the same way, but I wouldn't
doubt it.
Voxeo is headed by Jonathan Taylor, who is the company's President and CEO. This is
what his Voxeo webpage says about him:
Jonathan combined his experience in both business operations and technology
innovation to found Voxeo in 1999. Under his guidance, Voxeo has seen triple-digit
revenue growth for four consecutive years and has been profitable since January,
2004. Prior to Voxeo, Jonathan founded and helped bring three additional software
and infrastructure service companies to profitability.
From 1995 to 1997, Jonathan was the founder and President of InterResearch and
Development Group (IRdg), Inc. IRdg created and licensed iPost - the first internet
powered OEM unified messaging solution - to leading telecommunications providers
including Ericsson, Motorola and Unisys. IRdg was acquired by Elron Electronic
Industries (Nasdq: ELRN) subsidiary MediaGate in 1997.
There you have it. Jonathan Taylor's company, which he founded, was taken over by
Elron Electronic Industries, the Israeli defense high tech company:
In its early days, Elron focused on defense, particularly electronics and avionics,
as well as the emerging medical and technology sectors. In 1966, Elron founded
Elbit, which combined the expertise of the Ministry of Defense-Research Institute in
special computer design with Elron's experience in electronic product design,
manufacture and management.
This is important information that Americans need to know and which they will not
find in the Zionist-controlled media in the United States. It needs to be understood
that the entire election process in the United States is a fraud. More than that, it
is a fraud that is being perpetrated by the Israeli defense establishment on the
naïve and gullible American public.
The sine qua non of an honest and transparent election process is the open counting
of the votes by the voters themselves in each polling station in front of the open
eyes of other citizens and members of the media. Any compromise in this most
fundamental and essential process which acts to remove the citizenry from the
vote-counting process simply cannot be accepted.
This is what Americans MUST get back to, in every polling station in the nation:
paper ballots that are hand counted in front of the public.
Nothing else will do to protect their democratic franchise in the United States -
Christopher Bollyn is an independent journalist who needs the support of his
readers. If you value his research and writing, please send a donation via PayPal
to: or
Recommended Reading:
"Florida Election Stolen -- Computer Programmer Reveals Scheme to Steal 2000 Vote"
Christopher Bollyn, 21 December 2004
Florida Election Stolen
Computer Programmer Reveals Scheme to Steal 2000 Vote
By Christopher Bollyn
21 December 2004
TITUSVILLE, Florida—While the mainstream media has focused on a sensational murder
trial in California and the political crisis that followed the flawed elections in
Ukraine, it has ignored a huge domestic story about the computer programmer who has
come forward and explained how he had written computer code to steal elections in
An affidavit signed by the programmer, Clinton Curtis, in Prince George’s County,
Md., on Dec. 6, 2004, names the individuals involved in a computer vote fraud scheme
that he worked with in “the early fall of 2000” as “lead programmer” for a company
called Yang Enterprises, Inc. (YEI), based in Oviedo, Fla.
The 4-page Curtis document contains 15 points that he swears are both true and correct.
“I declare under penalty of perjury,” Curtis signed on the affidavit, “that the
above is true and correct.”
By the fall of 2000 Curtis had worked as a programmer for two years with YEI, a
listed “small, minority, woman-owned business” that does extensive business with
NASA and Florida. The CEO of YEI is a Chinese immigrant named Mrs. Li Woan Yang.
On its web site, YEI says it has 250 employees working at its Oviedo headquarters,
the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Patrick Air Force Base
and Tallahassee, Fla.
According to published company documents, the contact person for YEI is Mike Cohen,
Yang’s “executive secretary.” Cohen, named by Curtis as being one of the three key
persons at YEI involved in creating the program in 2000, has not answered telephone
Beside Cohen, two other employees of YEI met with Curtis “in late September or
October of 2000” to determine if he could write a program to steal votes on computer
voting systems. They were Mrs. Yang and Tom Feeney, “corporate counsel and lobbyist”
for Yang Enterprises. At the time, Feeney, a Republican, was also a member of the
Florida legislature.
A month later, Feeney became speaker of Florida’s House. Feeney was instrumental in
the controversial 2002 reapportionment and redistricting in Florida that became
known as “the speaker’s fix.” Feeney had been Jeb Bush’s running mate in Bush’s 1994
attempt to win the Florida governor’s mansion.
As a result of population growth, in 2002, Florida obtained two more seats in the
U.S. House of Representatives, and one of them, the 24th district, went to Tom
Feeney of Oviedo.
Curtis served as “technology adviser” to Feeney at YEI. After consulting Curtis,
“Feeney would advise YEI on how best to procure the contracts for these projects.”
Regarding a fall meeting in 2000 when Feeney asked about developing a program to
steal votes, Curtis wrote:
Mr. Feeney said that he wanted to know if YEI could develop a prototype of a voting
program that could alter the vote tabulation in an election and be undetectable. He
was very specific in the design and specification required for this program.
He detailed in his own words, that: “(a) the program needed to be touch-screen
capable, (b) the user should be able to trigger the program without any additional
equipment, (c) the programming to accomplish this remain hidden even if the source
code was inspected.”
After further discussion, Mrs. Yang told Mr. Feeney that we would attempt to build a
prototype for this program so he [Feeney] could see it, test it, and show it to
Curtis said he believed that Feeney was interested in creating this program “to be
able to detect and prevent” vote fraud—not to commit it.
As directed by his employer and Feeney, Curtis created the vote fraud software
prototype. He delivered the program “to Mr. Hai Lin Nee, the quality control person
at YEI,” according to his affidavit.
Curtis explained to Feeney and Yang how they could detect fraudulent source code so
it could be prevented. Mrs. Yang responded, “You don’t understand, in order to get
the contract we have to hide the manipulation in the source code. This program is
needed to control the vote in south Florida.”
“I was shocked that they were actually trying to steal the election and told her
that neither I nor anyone else could produce any such program,” Curtis wrote. “She
stated that she would hand in what I had produced to Feeney and left the room with
the software.”
Curtis said he attended subsequent meetings between Feeney and Yang prior to the
2000 election.
“It became clear to me,” Curtis wrote, “that Mr. Feeney was well aware that by
artificially reducing the margin of victory of the opposition party in areas where
they were the strongest, the overall outcome would then favor his candidate.”
According to Curtis, Feeney “bragged” that he had implemented “exclusion lists” to
reduce the “black vote.” Feeney also said, “proper placement of police patrols could
further reduce the black vote by as much as 25 percent,” he wrote. “Shortly
thereafter, I resigned from YEI, and took another job at the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT).”
From computerized vote fraud, the Curtis affidavit goes on to describe “illegal
activities of YEI” with the FDOT, “involving over-billing and defrauding of the
state of Florida.” Curtis reported the information to the FDOT inspector general’s
(IG) office and was eventually fired.
The IG, Raymond Lemme, pursued the allegations made by Curtis regarding YEI. Lemme
and Curtis continued to meet after Curtis had been fired from the FDOT.
“In June of 2003, he [Lemme] told me that he had tracked the corruption ‘all the way
to the top,’ ” Curtis wrote. On July 1, 2003, Lemme was found dead in a Valdosta,
Ga., hotel room the victim of an apparent suicide. His arm had been slashed.
The Curtis affidavit also says that YEI has engaged in espionage through its work at
the various NASA and Air Force facilities it contracts with. “I saw Mrs. Yang send a
great deal of internal information to her brother in China,” Curtis wrote, “who, she
had informed me, had been deported for spying. . . .
“Hai Lin Nee was subsequently arrested by federal officials in Orlando, Fla., on or
about March 17, 2004,” according to the affidavit, “on charges that included sending
radar guidance system chips for Hellfire antitank missiles to a company in communist
As a response to the Curtis affidavit, YEI posted the following statement on its web
site: “Recently there have been several accusations against this corporation by
Clinton Eugene Curtis. All of the allegations are 100 percent FALSE!! An official
statement will be forthcoming. Thank you for your concern, and God bless America.”
On Dec. 14, Michael A. O’Quinn, a lawyer representing YEI, issued a statement that
the allegations found in the Curtis affidavit are “categorically untrue.” The
statement also says, “Mr. Nee has never been an employee of YEI.”
Calls to O’Quinn went unanswered.
Feeney serves on the House Science Committee, which oversees the activities of NASA.
Six days after Curtis signed his affidavit, NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe handed
in his resignation. O’Keefe said he is quitting NASA for a better paying job at
Louisiana State University.
Numerous calls to NASA regarding the O’Keefe resignation and the allegations found
in the Curtis affidavit have so far gone unanswered.