Sandy, I'm not a liver flush expert my any means, just a person recovering her liver by this means.
My liver was HUGE in my body. In 16 flushes, I passed over 3000 stones (I very early on started only counting stones 1/4" and above). I found out by mistake that my body couldn't even take flushing every 2 weeks ... I did mine every 4th week.
The fluids that you lose can cause eletrolyte and probiotic embalances ... sacrificing one (a clean liver quicker) for the other (the salts and bacteria that make your body function)?
Here's my coping mechanisms:
For pain:
Drink lemon water (hot lemonade became one of my favorite things in life)
warm water with a tablespoon of acv, sweeten if you want with stevia, honey, sorghum molasses.
warm water with a small amount of epsom salts ... relaxing the bile ducts a bit helps with the pain.
make a drink with some of all of it.
Until you get this under control, make up your mind that everything you learned in school about food, rda, the food pyramid was a LIE (which is true). Avoid processed foods and the Standard American Diet like it's the plague. NO meat, NO dairy, NO eggs ... dang stuff can HURT YOU!!!!!!
Eat raw fruit for your meals ... drink organic juice. You'll have PLENTY of energy.
Stay in touch so we know how you're doing inbetween flushes.