instead you might try
check out the drive cleaners...
there is a program 'dpwipe'... (it's freeware and only removes files and folders of your choosing)...
anyhow... the point is that if you'll just google around a bit you should be able to find anything your heart desires...
personally... if it were me i would try to find a program to completely 'wipe' the whole hard drive... 'wipe' is more secure than merely formatting... data can be recovered from a format...
there are many programs out there that will do the job for you... one of my favorites that i use frequently is "Hirens Boot CD"... has all kinds of useful utensils... some that i am sure will wipe your hard drive... partition it... or any number of things you might decide to do... you should be able to find a free download... even if you have to settle for an older version it will still have what you need... but... you will have to burn it to a cd and boot up with it... it is a very handy collection of tools to have...
best of luck to you...
sorry about the link...
i always go for the quickest fix...