You are a peach!
I can't thank you enough for thinking of me, especially on this special night...extra special to me because healing things happened...all by themselves.
I wouldn't be surprised that you had a hand in that...your energy can reach this far, I'm sure.
About 2:30 this a.m. the last of the five or six gallstones shifted out of the liver duct, where each had awaited their turn, and dropped into the gallbladder...just as natural as you please. A sharp twinge, and it was done.
At 5:30 a.m. I was up, feeling fine, and looking for my Humaworm. My body knows when 12 hours is. Hooray!
A few minutes ago, at 7:30 I wanted and had the juice of half a pink grapefruit, with two short squirts of castor oil (about 1 1/2 teaspoons).
Yesterday was the first day of taking my flax seeds whole on my veggie and soft-poached egg breakfast (for the lecithin), with my crushed kelp and hemp hearts. I'll be leaving the flax seeds whole from now on...and adding other good oils and oil source foods.
Last night was the first night, in years, that I slept from well before midnight to after 2:00 a.m...the period when the liver repairs itself. Finally, my 'reversed' hours of sleep may be switching back!
My urinary 'urgency' seems to have calmed overnight...we'll see. That would be great!
My liver/gallbladder/ducts ailment may have been parasite blockages. They scared the beejeebers out of me, because of all my reading. There just isn't enough clear language about it, out there. The closest I got was 'medicalese'. When I got through 'translating', as best I could, I thought they wrote it that way because they didn't really know.
When I wrote that I was 'chicken' about liver flushing, that wasn't exactly true.
I was quite afraid to go through MORE of the magnesium-type things, after all my previous experiences (pre-Humaworm), when I hadn't any idea what my 'blockages' were (some warned about 'tumors'), and what could happen to the pancreas. (We lost a friend, far away, to that.)
One by one I picked up tidbits of info, mainly on CureZone, that calmed my fears.
Pancreatic trouble announces itself. Nausea is an early symptom. I didn't have that. And it hurts at the base of the breastbone. Just two days ago I had some tolerable pain to the right of there, and the following day, to the left. Not in the center.
My blockages MUST have been partial, else I couldn't have felt so well at intervals. And I'm sure that I was passing 'blockages' from the small intestine, because some came through the large intestine intact, even striped, in technicolor. I even had the 'golden granules' on the side of stool, that R.G. mentions are indicative of liver flukes...if I have that right.
All my other wild and wooly pains (no gallbladder attacks, just good stout 'twinges', 'bites', and dull depressing aches), have been from parasites and their poisons, I'm nearly 100% positive. After such a fine night, Nothing could make me worry! Bring on those wildcats I'm supposed to whip!
7 and 1/2 days to go on my third Humaworm cleanse! I wouldn't trade my Humaworm for the world!
I'll keep up with what I'm doing (if it ain't broke, don't fix it), likely add in other good things as seems appropriate, and probably feel like a really good plain liver flush one week after my Humaworm.
I will remember your wise words, Donna, and I'll always remember your thoughtfulness.
A beautiful 2008 to you!