So.... Indigo Children. And indeed Indigo Adults. It seems to be one of those topics that will either induce snorts of derision or wide - eyed fascination, nobody seems to be able to decide what they think about it in my experience. I, myself am relatively new to the Indigo phenomenon but it's one I'm finding increasingly interesting on a number of levels. It's also a topic that keeps finding me - rather persistently. The first time I heard the term was from a very psychic spiritual healer. I have to say I dismissed it straight away, didnt even bother reading up on it at the time - the idea seemed like just another load of new age crap. But it kept coming up, in articles in magazines and papers I bought, in random conversations about unrelated topics, while searching on the internet for unrelated information. Being always mindful of synchronicity and coincidences as they have always served me well, I decided to investigate.
I found many websites and articles, personal stories and theories, all coming from different perspectives and tackling different aspects of this phenomenon. I had to wade through a serious amount of b.s, a lot of which was no more than the deranged ramblings of 'new age' crackpots and c0nspiracy theorists. But underlying all of that were some fairly sensible and plausible articles, written by intelligent adults who seemed to have all of their faculties intact..... there were even scientific findings that show differences in the DNA of these children (and adults).
Apparently their coming has been forseen by many prophets including
Edgar Cayce , and they are not some highly evolved superhuman race - they just have a higher vibration than most who came before them - something that we all hold the capability of inside of us - something that can, and frequently is achieved by anyone who devotes enough time to it. They're not different, they are the same as us, as we can potentially be - they just have less work to do. The message doesent seems to be that they are better, just that they've come already equipped as such, in order to help the rest of us to evolve. This is their purpose. If this is really the case, I'd have to say it's about time.
I think a lot of people have a hard time with the concept of these children being more highly evolved because they equate the next step in evolution with some kind of physical change or adaptation, and there has been much speculation as to what that might be when it happens. It would be easy to dismiss out of hand the idea that there are children being born that have physically evolved beyond all of the usual bits and pieces that we all have.... but spiritual evolution - arent we all capable of that? Why is it so hard to believe that it's possible? When you consider all the other concepts we embrace even though to most of us it's a matter of faith because we cant see, touch or prove them. Lots of us believe in chakras, auras, 'chi' in the body; near death experiences, astral projection, telepathy, extra terrestials.....we know it's possible to raise our vibration and it's becoming widely accepted that many have psychic ability and most if not all have the potential for it - Is it so hard to imagine that there are babies being born whose vibrations are higher, and to whom these abilities just come easier as a result. Call me old fashioned but I like the idea.
I think that what has happened is that the Indigo Children have undergone the same unfortunate treatment that many beautiful and spiritual phenomena have - they've been commercialised to within an
inch of their lives, reduced to greetings cards and keyrings, wrapped in a rainbow and slapped with a big fat price tag. The packaging and marketing of all things indigo has resulted in its message being lost and given it the distinct whiff of just another con. Sadly this has happened many times before, an example being the now massive angel industry... angel stores are becoming like starbucks. I can rest easy knowing where to go if I ever need Archangel Michael coasters or pocket hankies....but I digress.
My point is, many messages of love and peace have been lost and many sacred and important traditions sullied by this materialistic exploitation. Whether the whole issue of Indigo children has a single grain of truth in it or not, the message is pointing in the direction we all want to go, is it not? Love for all, mutual care and respect, healing ourselves, each other and our planet, coming closer to the divine source? Even if Indigo children is a metaphor for what we're trying to achieve, wheres the harm in that?