Glad to see you are trying a juice fast. Best of luck with that.
On the meds, I'm' not qualified to advise, but have some pointers: A) I don't know if these are the kinds of meds that a person can just stop without triggering some sort of danger. There are many pharma meds that, if you've been on for a good while, you just can't quit them or this will trigger a severe problem. Best advice is to telephone the prescribing MD and get their answer to this question; B)how much success have these anti-fungals been providing you? By the tone of your first post, it sounds like you have not had much success on any front, and this would include the meds. The logic here is, if these meds have not been providing you much good (as in, good results) then there really is no reason to keep taking them EXCEPT there may be a problem caused if you stop taking them. The best example of this kind of drug is heart / BP meds, but to repeat, I don't know this is the case with antifungals. ...just trying to make you aware of the possibility.
So, to be sure, check with your MD and see what they say about stopping. It would not hurt for you to do your own investigation, if for no other reason, to doublecheck your MD's advice on this. You can do this by referecing the PDR - Physicians Desk Reference.... the bible, of sorts, printed by the drug manufacturers who push pharma drugs through the vast syndicate of MDs. This book is intended to document the various details about every drug presently available to be pushed by a licensed MD.... and this is why this book is to be found on "the physician's desk". Among the details to be found there should be the general advice the manufacturer has for the person who has been taking a specific drug and is thinking about getting off this drug.
As to the fast, good luck. I did a juice fast a few weeks ago. Getting through the first day was the toughest, by day 2 and 3, it was actually pretty easy to not eat stuff other than juice.... about your juice, be sure to chew each mouthfull...this helps produce saliva that mixes in with the juice in your mouth and this in turn will help the digestive process....gulping or inhaling food / beverage tends to bypass this basic requirement for good digestion.