Some people ask what the stones look like. Some people argue that the stones we remove without surgery are not real stones. Some people wonder about the wide variety of stones. To most of us, some of these stones should look awfully familiar... without surgery!
When my gallbladder was removed (before Curezone existed), the stones in the gallbladder looked like 4-sided corn - just like in some of these patients. Since I started flushing, I've removed a wide variety of stones - green, yellow, red, white - with a wide variety of shapes - oval, pea, edgy pebbles, round, tubular, and even some mystery objects which may have been fatty deposits or something worse. The stones which formed in the gallbladders in this video were all consistent. For example, all the stones from one gallbladder were bright green; all the stones from another gallbladder were round and tan. If my experience is typical, then those patients were only removing stones produced in a limited time period, in limited conditions, and they had just as wide a variety of stones still present in their livers. Hm, food for thought.
Keep on flushing, people, until you have reclaimed that part of your health. You will be so glad you avoided the surgery and taken charge of your overal physical health.
Yep, I've seen most of those in my toilet ... the only thing I'm not sure about ... I didn't know I was suppose to be looking for the corn colored and shaped ones. Don't know if I had those and just thought it was corn that had been hung up in my gut somewhere.