There is a wonderful herb called gotu kola that is amazing for conditions such as your daughter's. It will prevent blisters, bedsores, skin ulcerations, like nothing else. If you get it at a drugstore, she can take four per day, two when she wakes up and two a few hours later. Do not take close to bedtime as it is slightly stimulating. It is also called centella asiatica Schiff brand is called centella, and it is standardized, so if you get it in the health food store, you can do with just one instead of two each time, for a total of two.
Colloidal Silver is really great for skin irritations and even bedsores, but you have to keep it on for 6-10 minutes. This means taping a small wet cotton ball or piece of gauze on it, or if it is small enough, a bandaid. Since she has a "blister," you want to treat it like a bedsore and get it healed up right away. Remember, it has to heal from the inside out, so you want to get some silver inside of it if you can. If it is not open, it will heal without opening it. If it were my child, I would mix some
Iodine with some hand lotion and massage her legs, feet and backside with it daily for prevention. Skin breakdown is a common problem with wheelchair patients, but I promise you will love this combination for your daughter and you will save her much distress by keeping her on gotu kola and keeping the CS handy. I ama giving you this dosage assuming she is at least 100 pounds. If she is only half that, half the dosage on the gotu kola.