I would like to take issue with your post,if it was directed at me. First you began by calling for a reality check in which you stated that some people react completely different than I do to fasting. Of this I am well aware of the fact that each person's body responds diferently to almost every protocol.
Herein lies the problem with your statement,in neither of my post did I say how my body reacted to fasting. You are correct when you say,I can't imagine what you are going through with your hypoglycemia problems,believe me, you have my sympathy.
The one thing that I did not understand was your next statement. You say that a few days of fasting DOES this to you. The word DOES implys to me that you have done fasting more that once,or you should have said that a few days of fasting DID this to me.The word DID would imply that this is your first time and now you are aware of what fasting did/does to your system. If you are aware that fasting causes you problems . Why would you continue to torcher yourself?
You are also correct in your belief that I am not familiar with VATA. But I believe that AYURVEDA HEALING MEDICINE is fron INDIA,is it not?
I don't know or understand what your health problem is,but I do hope that you find relief and healing quickly. As I stated in my first post you may find the answer to your problem in one of the two books that was listed. I will list them again for your sake.
Best of luck to you.
Sincerely I C L