I have A- blood type. Does this make a differnece. And I have been trying to follow the diet (not 100% yet.)and eat the right foods and I really do feel good.
Until more research is done on the resus factor there is very little impact as to diet, the only thing is does is change some of the portion sized for fruits and dairy but that's it, secretor status however does change quite a bit and can give you a much better idea of good foods for you.
For a's soy is fine, but you should be aware of and follow the portion sizes allowed, doctor d'adamo says that you should try and eat more cultured soy such as tamari, tempe and miso vs tofu
it determines weather or not we secret the antigen for our blood type in our saliva and other body fluids, it alters disease suseptibility and also how certain lectins in foods react. If you find the diet isn't working the best for you, you may try to follow the secretor status food requirements, it basically just means a few more avoids (no corn etc)This is what i do because the test for secretor status is like 50 bucks