The Democrats worst nightmare scenario just happened. I think the assasination in Pakistan will eliminate Hillary, Obama, and Edwards. I'd be surprised if America would take a chance on a woman so ill-equiped to handle the world stage at this time in history. A woman at the helm is not what America needs at this time, and she is so not the right person for the job. Hillary is an utter embarassment on foreign affairs involving military actions. Obama is out of his league, a small-timer. I've listened to him...not charismatic, not deep, sort of frail. Another Oprah build-up to a limp finale. She's famous for that! John Edwards is a foreign-policy nightmare. Pakistan will change America's electoral outcome.
On the Republican side, too close to call.
Ron Paul is a lightweight in foreign policy and this will end ANY AND ALL DISCUSSION of this loon as a spoiler. He doesn't have a clue what to do militarily.
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