Like GlycoThymoline, Colloidal Silver, Iodine (Lugol's and the like), MMS, Grapefruit seed extract (etc.), along with herbs that have "antiseptic" properties, these should ONLY be used in certain circumstances for a given period of time to correct an otherwise difficult or impossible to correct by any other means, problem; perhaps an over-colonization of the entire digestive tract with bad bacteria and yeasts due to over use of antibiotics, poor eating habits etc.
After treatment with these antiseptic products, re-establishing healthy flora throughout the digestive tract with - effective microorganisms, soil based organisms, probiotics etc. - would seem essential\necessary in most cases.
There are of course, many ways to go about this from buying a particular product, to making ones own kefir, yogurt, kombucha, and other cultured vegetables and foods.
Quite honestly there are most likely literally dozens if not hundreds or thousands of different good and neutral bacterial strains and "effective microorganisms" that we are not even aware of.
I make raw milk kefir and yogurt along with kombucha... going to try my hand at vegetables this year.
Aside from the Now brand Moreless has posted, Here are, what I believe, may be some fairly good products...
Swanson Soil Based Organisms
Though the probiotic looks good... not sure about the FOS in the Swanson (and other) probiotics on the market... I have read mixed opinions and studies on FOS. Anyone care to comment about FOS?
I am somewhat intrigued by this product... Caucasus Kefir Capsules
Comments on the product anyone?
At any rate, the Soil Based Organism product has been compared well and in some cases better than the efficacy of Garden of Life Primal Defense at a considerable savings $20 (regular Swanson Price; watch for sales) as compared to $55 (discount iHerb Price). The Swanson product does seem to be a good product and I believe FinallyFaith had good things to say about it when he posted on the Soil Based Organisms Support Forum; if not there, in another post somewhere.
Comments or thoughts on recolonizing the flora after use of an antiseptic product\herb? For how long? What are the signs of adequate colonization?
Given the sterilization of our foods... would supplementing with soil based organisms on a daily basis be a stop gap measure to at least, in part, get that which is lacking in our foods? At this point, I believe so...
In part, our appendices apparently are\were supposed to fulfill this function (replenish good intestinal flora), but in theory\perhaps, after years and years, and\or generations of using, eating and sterilizing, sterilized, over processed and over cooked foods the appendix is slowly losing its ability to function properly due to having little or nothing to work with.
In addition, in my opinion, the overuse of an antiseptic medium, just as the overuse of antibiotics, could also negatively affect the appendix's ability to recover its normal function. Comments on this?
I look forward to answers and may post this in the probiotic and soil based organisms forums as well... I have my thoughts, however they are more speculation at this time, based in part on common sense and on what science I believe\know.