End of third week:
Last night I was sitting to meditate for some time.
After laying down, I drifted into a space of waking/sleeping... It felt as though someone was placing their hand over the left side of my head, just at the hairline. (Usually when I take the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I can feel the effects over my left eye, up through the forehead and up into left side of my skull. ) Felt this come to a pulsing throb, then, suddenly a bunch of sparks and flashes as though something major was being zapped in there. I opened my eyes to thank the person who had helped this to come about, but realized that no one was there.
Just a very interesting dream, perhaps...
Since being quite familiar with the effects that are felt from an frequency generator, the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement action within me is very very much the same. Except for the fact that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement can go deeper and zap bacteria, flukes, worms, etc. within the intestines, a place which is off limits to the frequency generator and other zappers.
My feeling after taking MMS three weeks is that the more it zaps stuff the deeper it is able to penetrate to get even more stuff that lay at deeper levels, in organs and connective tissue, joints, bone & marrow.
Cancer, itself, may need some time before it causes this to completely become a non-issue.
If only this would have been available to me two years ago, my younger sister may still be alive, as she had come down with streptococcus pneumonia bacteria that spread through her body like a wild fire. It infected many of her organs causing a complete organ failure and her blood pressure to drop off the end of the scale. She spent 6 weeks in an ICU unit, put on an ECMO machine, went into a coma, came out a week later and later died of a blood clot to the brain which resulted from the ECMO machine hook-up [this machine takes blood out of the body to oxygenate it and warm it and then pumps it back in).
The whole experience was a tremendous emotional roller coaster ride for everyone involved.
It appears as though she got the strep-pneumonia bacteria from this same hospital, when she came into town to visit our mother, who was in for an intestinal blockage (some type of cancer) and died the day my sister went in to the ICU.
Watching the millions and millions of dollars of technology that came to naught, seeing and feeling within me that, perhaps, a $20.00 bottle of MMS would have surely out-performed all that high tech hospital equipment, is still quite unnerving. Never, never, ever, will I allow myself to enter into a hospital. I will accept whatever consequences that may come to me out of making this decision for myself.
From turiya's health diary page.