When I pray… to whom... do I pray…???
To whom do I say… the words that I say…???
Is it someone distant… outside of me…???
This ‘Omnipotent Being’… that I can’t see…
Or is it truly… my nearest… dearest friend…
Who has forever… within me been…
All my life… I’ve been deceived…
What I was taught… was what I believed…
to know ones ‘SELF’… is not the same…
it means one stops playing… the others game…
it’s simply a matter… of letting go…
of all the things… we think we know…
to allow ones love to come pouring through…
let thine eye be single… in all that we do…
the best in life… that one can earn…
will all depend… how much we unlearn…
for nothing is bad… everything is good…
“it’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood”…
and a…