i think you are dehydrated. the problem is in your case is accessability. i prefer this salt water flush:
but it would mean being perched on a toilet for a couple of hours. the alternative is to do the
Water Cure and get some water and salt in you to the tune of 1/4 teaspoon of salt for every
quart drank. gargling with salt may help too.
i dont know how much oregano oil you are used to. do you have a vaporizer? if not, a few drops in a pot on the stove can provide some breathing relief. you could boil the water and then put the drops in and do the old fashioned tent thing by leaning over the pot with some oil in it and holding your head over it covered with a towel or suitable tent.
you are in such constant misery, i certainly dont want to add to it. dont be afraid of the iodine. it will help, but it is also according to what you can handle right now.
whether you take more
Iodine or not(take it in orange juice if you can), get the gargle going and put that pot on to boil. i wish you had someone with you.
all my love