It makes me wonder, that with your history
of 5 posts, you can make such claims. Surely
you must be an reinncarnation of a disgruntled
past member or current member who, for some
reason, is focusing on a very recent conflict
which, under this user name, you were not
involved in. I find your admonition to Killi
suspicious and unsupportive...and your
motives questionable...especially as you
tell her she will never win and good luck
all in the same sentence.
None of what you say is the average experience
of internet users. By most standards today,
the internet is fast becoming the way to
keep in touch and to discover information
and share ideas which are not available in
the real world, no matter how large the library
or city where you might live.
The internet brings people together. The quality
of your experience is limited by your own
ethics, values, and expectations.
I agree with Molly and if you feel using the
internet is causing you to lose touch with
reality, by all means, take your own advice
and get outside and more "grounded".
I wish you well~~
be happy, be well,