The first thing you need to do is get those lungs properly cleaned up. Forget all what you see about this product and that product being able to clean the body up. Most simply do nothing of the sort and not properly. Things like the gas, Ozone come close but even this isn't what it's claimed. I can tell you now that the only way the truely clean your lungs is the Water Fast. You'd do it over a very lengthy time with the Orange Juice fast. Also note how Orange juice increases your histamine production. Why? Because Orange Juice is actually dehydrating at a certain level. Remember Histamine is simply a chemical of the body for WATER REGULATION, makes sense now huh? So if you cannot tolerate Apples then look at Pears instead. I tend to prefer the Water Fast but superior knowledge is needed when you deal with the Water Fast. With all fasts they go first to the areas in most trouble. You may be lucky and your lungs get hit first or you'll simply have to do longer fasts until this occurs or many smaller fasts. I had very bad lung problems and the first place my Water Fasts hit was the lungs just after two days. I could hardly breath and speak byt day 3-5. I did a couple of them at this length and by the third attempt I never noticed a thing in the lungs again. IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO CLEAN THE LUNGS PROPERLY! Its free and natural, just what the creator gave you.
You can also look at utilising Ozone by getting some distilled water (IT MUST BE DiSTILLED AS ITS GOING IN THE LUNGS). Ozonate this water for ten minutes then immediately place it in nebuliser chamber and immediately nebulise this into the lungs for twenty minutes. The dosage is normally 6ml which is the max in the chamber. Any Pleurisy you go through can be dealt with well with this method so REMEMBER IT. This will also clean up a little the lungs and help breathing. If you're going through Pleurisy also drink your own Urine as this dramatically lowers symptoms and increases recovery. I know this, I've done it!
You should also be regularly utilising Cayenne Pepper and ideally the medicinal hot peppers either whole or tincture form. Just watch your Kidney's if their weak as they have to deal much with the high Alkalinity of the Cayenne. Then theres of course Slippery Elm, Mullelin, Mate and king of Lung herbs Lobelia.