Sylvia Browne: Secrets and Mysteries of the World.
My purpose/intent today is to present to you a body of knowledge about Jesus that is not known and thereby not easily accepted( my word). Sylvia presents this information in the book about secrets and mysteries of the world.
The DaVinci Code, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, The Messianic Legacy, all have one thing in common- Early Christians, The Essenes and Gnostics. The one thing they all purport to contain, is ,sacred knowledge which has been omitted. Christianity and its patriarchal system is unraveling within its' confined parameters- hidden truths (for somehow it seems that things cannot remain hidden forever). Sylvia states that people such as Walt Whitman, Victor Hugo, Artur Conan Doyle, Isaac Newton, Sandro Botticelli, and the great Leonardo Da Vinci- "were not only reincarnationists, but also members of secret societies such as the sacred Priory of Scion, Knights Templar and the Masons. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls are said to speak about Mary (mother of Jesus) being a channeler of information." (p.201).
It seems that as time passes, what we consider to be truth about a particular belief, undergoes a challenge. Consider the following idea for a moment. The Golden Rule. It is a universal truth found in 7 world religions. It is a truth that one treat others how one would like to be treated. The question (for me) remains: when was the last time you noticed this? (in you or others).
People say, Christianity is not a religion. If it's not a religion- it has beliefs- the teachings of Jesus. The Essenes, who were the precursors to the Gnostics, had a legitimate place in the development of a body of knowledge which preached Love, above all things. Love preaches that men and women work together, with their children, for the good of the whole. This is the line of thinking where one can find Jesus' values and teachings.
During the "lost years" of Jesus, Sylvia tells us (through her spirit guide Francine), that Jesus traveled. Incidently, when I was growing up, it was the lost years that had me thinking "what happened to Jesus?". I often wondered this.
Jesus traveled to Aryas (meaning beloved by God), India. He studied among Brahman priests. Sylvia states that even the Beatitudes have an Eastern flavor. He proceeded to study Buddhism. He studied sacred scriptures and even mastered the Pali language. Jesus is mentioned in Persian historical works. There is even a purported burial site for Jesus, in Srinagar. She says, "I feel that Jesus was more at peace in these Eastern locales, not only because he learned so much, but also because he could move freely without fear of condemnation" (p.211. ).
So many writers (Hindu, Buddhists & Islam) have mentioned Jesus and his ministry. They all revered Jesus for his teachings. Sylvia states that there are Gospels from A.D. 70 to the 2nd centruy, that were written along with the four official ones of- Mark, Matthew, and Luke. Modern Christianity stems from Paul and his understanding of Jesus, yet, Paul never knew Him. Paul was a Roman citizen, who was fulfilling the status quo.
Jesus' / Belief in Reincarnation/
According to Sylvia, it was Constantine who led the Christian fervor and wanted everyone to convert, thereby destroying any references to reincarnation that he found. (making most writings on reincarnation, destroyed, banned, or edited by the Church). Sylvia offers this quote which has the reincarnation theme: Matthew 11:14; "And if you are willing to accept it, he (John the Baptist) is Elijah who was to come."
Also in Matthew 17:10-13, we find reference to Elijah- that he came- but was not known- for he was John the Baptist.
This means that John the Baptist, was Elijah in a past life. Furthermore, as Sylvia points out, when Christ spoke of the body "as a temple"- that this suggests that..."when he speaks of his Fathers' house having many mansions, it suggests that we occupy many temples or bodies (p.216).
Sylvia on Jesus and The Crucifixion.
This part may or may not be considered controversial by the reader.
Consider the books: Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Messianic Legacy (Michael Baignet) , The DaVinci Code (Dan Brown), Dead Sea Scrolls (Elaine Pagels) all have one thing in common; that Christ did not die on the cross. Things cannot remain hidden for long, as well as the secret socities. Sylvia says that there exists a document- the Acta Thomas (Acts of Thomas) which states that Christ was with Thomas at a wedding in A.D. 49, a full 16 years after the Crucifixion. Wow! (Francine-Sylvia's guide gave her this info almost 30 years ago).
Quote from Pope John XXIII: (Sylvia's hero) stated once: "that Christian belief should not be based on the fact that Christ died on the cross." I find this interesting because modern Christianity refers to Christs' death as of summum importance and that we are sinners,making us less than we are. Then there is ..."Christ died for our sins, repent, for you will not enter the kingdom of God" espoused almost daily.
Here's what Francine had to say:
"There's no doubt that Jesus was put on trial,humiliated, beaten, and made to carry his cross at least part of the way".Jesus' legs would have normally been broken ( as all others' who were crucified).The foot rest (which incidenlty we see in most art/religious icons) allowed for him to sustain himself."
It was Pontius Pilate who conspired to "let" Christ hang for 3 hours and appear to be dead- after which, Pilate had taken Jesus down. Pilate was also honoring the Sabbath by keeping him for a short time in order to appease the detractors (Sanhedrin?). The famous "washing of the hands of this innocent man" -Pilate allows us to really consider the new meaning and purpose of what Pilate was trying to accomplish. (Sylvia's words from pages 216-218).
Sylvia points to scholarKarl Freidrich Bahrdt (1741-1792) that Jesus "survived a feigned death with Luke the physician having supplied drugs to him, beforehand.
According to S.B. it ws Joseph of Arimathea who resuscitated Jesus (also it was Joseph (a rich man) who offered the tomb to Christ. The usual span of time for a crucifixion (painful and long) was several days but Jesus was taken down early the same day. (P.218). The Jewish historian Josephus, wrote about prisoners' crucifixion- that even after several days they (whom were crucified), would still be alive (most had broken legs also). "When Mary and Mary Magdalene visited the tomb , the angels asked: "Why do you look for the living among the dead?" (Luke 24:5).
"Later Jesus appeared to his apostles to prove that he was still alive, saying, "peace be with you... Why are you troubled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? See my hands and feet, that it is I myself! Touch and see,for a ghost doesn't have flesh and bones, as you see me to have." The he showed them his hands and feet. Next, he asked. "Do you have anything here to eat?" And they offred him a piece of a broiled fish, and he ate it in their presence ( Luke 24: 36-43). (p.219)
Sylvia sees it this way: "I don't know about you, but I've never known a ghost or a spirit to need food. The reason Jesus did this was to show everyone that he was alive, and that even a God-man needed to eat food. Aside from his attempts to assure everyone that they weren't seing an apparition, Jesus was extremely hungry after having gone through pure hell.
It was this appearance along with the empty tomb on Easter morning, which gave scholars and theologians the impetus to explore Christs' survival of the crucifixion. There were texts written by the Apostles (this is even before the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi) which were not accepted, (banned/destroyed): "For example: the Acts of Thomas, explain that before Christ left (to preach abroad), he met with Thomas and dictated his last messages: Love, Hope, and Knowledge (S.B. points out that this is how Thomas came to spread the good news to India-as it would be safe for him to do so). Christ, met Thomas in Anatolia, Turkey. Jesus, along with Mary and Mary Magdalene, moved along the coast. Sylvia verifies that through travels to Turkey, Jesus talked about in a free manner- with truth, knowledge and belief.
Francine stated that from Turkey,they traveled to India, Kashmir and came back through Italy and settle in France.
** read note at bottom first
Jesus & Mary Magdalene settled around Rennes-le-Château area of France. They had 7 children and lived until their 80's. Recall the secret societies: Knights of Templar, Rosy Cross, Priory of Scion, Masons..."were set up to protect Christ, Mary Magdalene, and their bloodline."
And as Sylvia says (P.213)..."Don't you find it enormously conforting- and doesn't it give you great pride- to know that so many cultures embraced Jesus as either a messiah (messenger) or prophet from God, when they were of different races,cultures, and religions? It also gives you pause to realize that it wasn't just the apostles who spread the word of this direct report from God-others also recognized Christ's divinity and teachings without any hesitation.It really gives a new and truer meaning to what Jesus once said: "Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor" (Matthew 13:57).
Here's to you and your quest to find whatever question you ask, and here's to the answer you shall find;
for it is written: "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Bible quote).
Take Care,
La Gitana.
** Jesus met Mary Magdalene in India. Contrary to what was believed about Mary (the Bible views her as a harlot),she was a very high born woman. She was due to marry a centurion when the latter's wife found out. This made Mary out to be an adultress. Mary was due to be stoned to death ,(punishment for adultery at that time), when Jesus intervened. When Mary saw Jesus' compassion for her this made her endear Jesus to her. Sylvia says: Her gratitude made her love him... and he was already sure he was in love with her." (p.214). They were married in a secret cermony.
= (notice the same old/same old idea about the centurion- he was with someone- yet, came to know Mary, never thinking: hello buddy- you've got someone at home waiting for you (centurion's wife)- the more things change the more they remain the same-sounds like, in this example; may I also add at this point in time- what was that centurion thinking: not much, because the truth has a way of surfacing- and to think- Mary was about to be stoned// honestly- the centurion sounds like a block head to me) .