Just to make myself clear:
1. No, I do not favor amnesty. Neither do I favor the fiasco that would result in a massive roundup of 20 million or more illegal aliens.
2. I hardly think that a fetus is the equivalent of a tumor, no matter what sterile terms are used to describe it.. It may be unwanted and inconvenient but it is a developing human being. Unlike a tumor, which is an abomination that will ultimately kill the host if left unchecked, from the moment of conception, a fetus is a growing human being which will someday become a full fledged human being and love the host.
One could argue that a fetus is not yet a fully developed human being and could not survive on it's own, but then neither could a one month old baby, or even a three year old child for that matter. Should a mother be free to rid herself of them also. If so, their is a way to do it that applies all the way through - adoption.
No one is forcing women to be breeding pens, unless you want to blame nature for choosing the female as the one who gives birth - how patently absurd that argument is! Ninety nine percent of pregnancies are a result of having unprotected sex. If a woman wants to exercise the right to keep fetuses out of her body, then perhaps she would best be advised to keep unprotected penises out of her body.
3. Just because Ron Paul was a libertarian for a couple of years out of the 50 plus years he has had any party affiliation does not make him beholden to every majority belief of the Libertarians. Ron Paul is an independent thinker whose philosophy and actions are beholden to no one but himself, his Maker and the Constitution.
Any more questions?
What kind of screwed up logic are you smoking that makes you take my personal feelings about abortion and turn that into forced enslavement of women?
I have never once said that I favor forcing women to have birth, just stated my own personal opinions. I have, if you should care to read all my posts, in fact said that I have stood up for women's rights. But it is not a comfortable thing given the consequences that I for one do not sweep under the table with sterile terms like fetus and zygote or equating a developing human with a tumor.
I am not at all comfortable with the idea of forcing a woman to do anything with her body, but I am quite comfortable with exercising my right to voice an opinion no matter how you may wish to misconstrue that opinion or attribute more to it than I have ever stated.
What is it that you do not understand about the concept of a woman having control of her own body also meaning she could exercise that control before engaging in sex so that the elements that lead to the formation of a human embryo would not be introduced into her body while unprotected? Does the right to have control somehow equate to the right to be irresponsible for you? We are each responsible for our own bodies and our own actions, and we are also each responsible for the consequences of what we do with our actions and bodies.
Women have the right to engage in consensual sex if they want. But if they choose to do so without precautions and protections, they also have the responsibility for the consequences of how they choose to exercise their right.
Regarding amnsesty, are you really so out of touch with reality that you think that it would be sane or even possible for the United States to try to round up 20 million people and kick them out of the country. The only workable solution that would not be an incredible fiasco or worse would be to make them either legally apply for citizenship and become citizens in order to work or have benefits or else find themselves with no work or benefits. Do that and tighten the borders to further illegal immigration, stop our imperial warmongering and eliminate the IRS and our country can survive and flourish again.
Yep, libertarians are independent thinkers. Thanks for stating my case.
I am what I am - and believe that with rights come responsibilities.
Catching and sending back illegals at the point of entry is a wee bit different than ferreting out a great many millions all over the entire country. Think for a minute or two on having OUR govenment have illegal alien storm troopers conduct sweeps and hunts across the whole country in the streets, in the fields, in houses, attics, basements, offices, warehouses, mountains, forests, you name it, rounding up millions who fit the profile and can't produce papers. Do you think there might be a little violence? Or abuse?
We don't do very well with profiling. "Not white and can't produce papers, round em up and ship 'em out". And of course no one in our government would do anything such as "Pssst - here is that list of the 30,000 main trouble makers who are squawking about wanting more liberties - round them up and ship them out too." Maybe to beautiful Guantanamo Bay?
The there is this to consider - we can't even catch one guy with an entire army in a much smaller and less populous country. How are we gonna catch tens of millions?
Insofar as applying for citizenship being blanket amnesty, the last I heard it involved a bit more than just memorizing a couple of lines and putting your hand on the Bible and saying "Si". Full citizenship and rights such as drivers licenses should also involve learning to communicate in English as far as I am concerned. That is our lanquage after all.
How close do you live to the border, btw? I live within a short drive. They miss one or two, trust me!
You have just admitted that Ron Paul is the only worthwhile candidate in the bunch. Chances that someone better will come along are slim to none.... Very slim to none..... Oh, let me just say it.... None.
Why then are you causing confusion? I don't understand.
I am posting because I found what you said abhorrent. I cannot believe that you compared a newly conceived baby to a tumor. Such entirely opposite things. A newly conceived baby should be the most beautiful thing on earth, yet, for sheer convenience, it has been been robbed of its personhood. Something has gone very wrong with our human nature when, because of having irresponsible sex, a mother will abort a fetus because of its inconvenience. What have we become? Is it even too inconvenient to carry that baby to term to be put up for adoption? We have lost the true value of life.
I will share an experience that I had about six years ago with a young girl, about 18 years old. I had done everything humanly possible to try to convince her not to go through with her planned abortion. This included housing her until that baby was born, whatever it took. One afternoon she called me and said that "it was done." I hung up the phone and my eyes shifted to the bed that I had made for my dog Misty and the puppies she had had a couple of nights before. I noticed how she was bathing and caring for each one. And the fact that my dog loved her babies more than a human mother did was too much for me to bear and I broke down in tears. However, this is not the end of the story. It will be continued later on in my post.
Abortion is nothing more than another method of population control. Yet with their programmed words and lies, they have convinced women that it is their right. They have lied about everything else and they have lied to you about your right to choose.
"A fetus does not have a right to be in the womb of any woman, but is there by her permission. This permission may be revoked by the woman at any time, because her womb is part of her body... There is no such thing as the right to live inside the body of another, i.e. there is no right to enslave... a woman is not a breeding pig owned by the state (or church). Even if a fetus were developed to the point of surviving as an independent being outside the pregnant woman's womb, the fetus would still not have the right to be inside the woman's womb.[2]"
This statement is absolutely preposterous. It goes against human nature. For anyone to take this position, one would have to be lacking love, compassion, and feelings.
However, for a great many girls and women, the fetus is not at all gone after that abortion. They carry it with them for the rest of their lives. An abortion is a very emotional process. The guilt they feel is overwhelming and unmanageable, and that is when we must begin to pick up the pieces. This is when reconciliation and sometimes forgiveness for one's own actions come into play. But there is always regret. It seems that abortion comes with a very big price.
"Or are you for abortion for just those who can afford it?"
For the girls or women's sake, I would hope that they could afford it and get a qualified doctor to do it. You don't hear about the abortions gone wrong do you? You never hear about the abortion nightmares, the infertility caused by then, and the deaths. I wonder why? They are a very real and common fact in your planned parenthood clinics. Here is the end of my story. The girl of whom I spoke started feeling "not quite right" she could not describe it. The problem was that not all of the baby had been removed. Next day her baby sister called me when she started hemorraghing.
Is this all worth the convenience of not having a baby?
Girls and women are not told the risks and side effects of abortion, which include death. And somehow, the public isn't told either.
You don't want to have a baby? Make sure you have responsible sex.