I C L in the previous post you said there is a difference between claiming you hear from a spriit guide (what you call a familiar) and false prophesying. yes, i agree. what p robertson does is much worse, he claims he hears DIRECTLY FROM GOD, whereas sylvia brown says she hears from a lesser entity than God, thus when pat robertson gives false prophecy he is much more decieved.
as far as believing man but not believing God (ie - the bible), well that is a whole other subject. but i think it would be helpful for you to realize that there are many wildly different interpretations of the bible, and all claim they are right, and all claim that that is exaclty what God says, so if you disagree with them you disagree with God etc.
throughout the history of christianity the way that different bible verses have been interpreted and viewed has drastically and radically changed. and yet each time those alive believed that their interpretation and view of the bible was the absolute right one and that all who diagreed were disagreeing with God.
the only way to really know God is through your heart, you can use the bible as a guidepost if you want, but truth comes directly from God into your heart.
"the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life" ~ Jesus Christ