I had AS for ten years before i find out what started it, and when i removed the underlying course i was painfree after 3 monts. All cronic disiases have a high CRP in there blood, that means you have an infection in your body. Modern medicine never look for the reason or where it can come from, they just selling you drugs too ease the pain. What i find out was that i had some Cavitation in my jaw, it is pocket of gangrene like a mycoplasma colonies that are sealed of from your blood suply and your imunesystem cant reach it too brake it down. No dentist learn about this disease and no doctors even talk to any dentist about cronick diseases so they say this condition does not exist. Too be well you have too read and understand this condition and get an apointmeent with some off the few dentist in the world that are expert on this issue, it is importent to use one of this experts too be well because they use a protocoll that no other dentist are trained in.
I can recomend one of the best in the world that made me free from AS, and he has also made people whith all other cronick disases well as well, MS, AS, Canser...an more.
You also need too change your lifestyle an educate yourshelves in nutrition
read this book
you have too take control of your own health the modern medicine cartels only focus on making money, the top ten companys in fortune 500 are medicine companys and they make more money than the 490 other companys together..
the reaserch was done by Weston Price in his epic work "dental infectins" in 1920's but have been covered up and no medicine companys want too use hundreds of million dollars on a cure that they cant make a branded medicine so they can up theire profit.
also good for changing lifestyle
Too be well, you have too heal yourshelves
Rgds Terje T. Norway