I could feel a cold coming on. Over several hours, it took over as colds and the like do. Felt crummy, short of breath, very runny nose, headaches, coughing... was waiting for it to settle into my chest and throat and get full blown as something like this almost always does. I hardly ever get sick, but when I do, it is unmistakable.
So, I dose with 5 drops of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I also against the protocol, had an espresso. Felt very little. Several hours later, and the cold is starting to get full force, I do another dose, this time without competing with anything. Dunno if this was it, or contributed, or what, but within 2-3 hours things were lifting. And around the 4th hour, the cold had for all intents disappeared and I found myself feeling not only ok, but really quite good. 0 symptoms. Too good as a matter of fact as I ended up staying up quite late because I had all this restored energy.
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ? I dunno, but something sure as h3ll knocked this almost full blown cold out of the water, or rather, my system. This experience has me really intrigued.