Hi Molly --
Hope all is ultimately well in a difficult time (?) and know that you are loved, valued, and admired, laughed with here!
My experience after 14 months is that oil pulling treats the:
1) physical, in ways we discuss and learn more and more about here. The benefits of which are copious.
2) mental, in a sort of increased calm and clarity. This makes sense because of the physical -- but I also think the practice, rather than the act, has brought a sense of overall calm to my life; and
3) The spiritual, in the connectedness it brings to all of you, in the great feeling I get when helping a newcomer to the forum get started, and in the meditative sense and (hate to sound new agey cause I sure as sh*t am NOT!) in the focus and heightened consciousness that can come as I rhythmically swish each day!
These three aspects of one's self are certainly circular and relate and interrelate -- for instance, greater physical health brings increased mental clarity and physical ability to sit here and be of service to new people at the forum! And they coalesce often in the
4) emotional -- better mood (I have not had debilitating
Depression since beginning OP, whereas in recent years I have sunk pretty low, and this year I had some terrible losses really back-to-back) and happiness due to being part of this forum, being of service here, looking forward to my "visits" with you all, the relaxation and FUN I have here as opposed to any other forum, etc.
A great deal, all the way around! (Oh -- plus the tangible -- you all, my fellow OP'ers, and friends!)
Hope you all have an oil-tastic weekend...