Hi group;
there are "skin cancer salve" formulas that are the color of "black" .... hence the interchangable names of , <black salve> & <skin cancer> salve. The real reason the skin cancer salve is called <black salve> is to hide it's true use from the gestapo, here in the u.s.a. That way, the law enforcement agencies maybe will not pounce upon your website, or forum so quickly. <black salve> is a covert name for <skin cancer salve>. It is a little layer of protection for people that write about it and sell it. But , as you see, it creates confusion; hence white tiger's recipe.
here is a skin cancer formula, found on the internet; and similar to most skin cancer salves forumula being sold today, :
Skin Cancer - Cansema, Can-X,
How It Works
The Cansema Black Topical Salve, which contains zinc chloride and the herb bloodroot, among other substances, is used for treating skin cancers, melanomas and tumors. There is no herb with such a long history of success treating cancer as bloodroot.
Cansema Black Topical Salve
Zinc chloride is "a highly antiseptic caustic that is somewhat more readily absorbed by malignant tissue than by normal tissue, though it is often reactive with healthy as well as morbid tissue." "... zinc chloride (in a liquid form at room temperature), while in the presence of certain herbal combinations at known concentration ranges, has strong cancer-killing properties."
bloodroot for treating skin cancer dates back to the mid-1800s. "Bloodroot has been used historically in numerous topical preparations for the treatment of various skin cancers, and also for sores, warts, eczema, and other dermal & epidermal problems."
According to the vendor's own web page: "The current ingredients are:
- zinc chloride (Cl2Zn),
- NDGA (nordihydrogauaretic acid, from Larrea mexicata), (I think the correct spelling is: nordihydroguaiaretic acid)
- sanguinaria [or bloodroot] (Sanguinaria canadensis);
- galangal root (Alpinia officinarium) or ginger root (Zingiber officinale);
- graviola leaf (Annona muricata),
- bitter melon seed (Momordica charantia), and
- glycerine (used as a humectant, to keep the product moist)."
- Larrea mexicana (the correct spelling) is also known as Larrea tridentata, or one of the varieties of chapparel. Chapparel in tea form can also be used as a skin cancer treatment. Chapparel is toxic in doses that are too high, so it is best to take it as part of a herbal complex such as Cansema.
Warning: Most skin cancer salves contain bloodroot. However, sometimes you hear that products containing bloodroot can safely be taken internally in small doses. Most alternative cancer experts agree that bloodroot products should not be taken internally. I strongly agree. Until there is further research, I do not recommend any skin cancer product containing bloodroot be taken internally, not even in small doses. There are plenty of natural treatments for internal cancers that are known to be safe, meaning there is no reason to experiment on yourself with treatments known to be dangerous when taken internally. In short, do not take any cancer salve internally.
At the current time, the only way to get the official
Cansema formula, that I know of, is from Australia. They have worked with Alpha Omega Labs and have had their formulas approved. They ship to the U.S.
Another brand to consider is
Can-X, out of Canada. I repeat, a person should not take any product with bloodroot internally. Thus, I absolutely do not endorse the tablets of this company for internal use!! I only endorse their salve for EXTERNAL use only.