been there done that
Try to understand the abstract concept of "identity". Identity is very important to a human being. It is not just self-realization, it is KNOWING that you are recognized (acknowledged) as a human being, not a "depressive". In fact, it is likely that 90% (
Depression is hardly ever exclusively nutritional) of the human beings on this earth that are depressed are depressed for the simple reason that people don't want to respect each other and treat each other as human beings. The intellectuals of this crappy world have never been able to figure that out because they don't want to admit to themselves that they themselves are part of the reason that the other person is depressed. In other words, the reason people get depressed is because they have been unfortunate in their lives to have known too many pathetic intellectual "wanna be" egotists that didn't have the courage or self-respect to think of other people as anything but "clinical units".
In fact, depressed people know much more than you think and are much more intuitive than any group of professionals with all of their Phd.s (if only they would believe in themselves, they could see inside a person's mind because they see what's in a person's heart). It's not very comfortable for you to be aware of this, is it?, that's why intellectuals never wanted to realize this, and this is why people like to condescendingly think of us as "depressives",...the professionals need to cover-up (compensate for) their own low self-esteem, because the only thing that makes a professional a "pro" (unless they think with their heart) is what they WERE TAUGHT from books and classrooms.
The reason I could explain this is because I was suicidally depressed for 51 years.
I've been on Curezone for 7 years and there are extremely few professionals here that refuse to recognize the human heart (they come to "ride our coat tails") and think everything is a chemical formula, don't fall into that trap.
The truth is that many people (sufferers) rather recieve treatment as though they are a "clinical unit" and become a chemical formula, but only "human beings" can be truly and permanently HEALED. I never had ANY therapy, drugs, seminars, or books of any kind, and I just explained to you another world. We are not "depressives", we are..........................HUMAN BEINGS.