I'm hypothyroid, have taken Synthroid and Cytomel for over a decade, have never felt "well"--too many rainy, brain-fogged days on too regular a basis. A month ago, a friend from many years prior learned of my situation and said, "I'm going to change your life." And, she did by sending some of her Iodoral tablets home with me.
With no changes in my thyroid meds I took one Iodoral a day for about two weeks until I ran out and then had to switch to four daily Prolamine since I couldn't find Iodoral locally. Almost from day one on Iodoral, I was highly energized, zero brain fog...felt terrific! I've now all but finished 90 tablets of Prolamine, but guess it was too good to last...Four days ago I crashed. I'm now housebound--dividing my time between the recliner and the bed...I racked 16 hours yesterday.
Other info: I had a B Vitamin injection 3 days before I crashed. B Vitamins had previously "Shushed" my tinnitus to a minor irritant, but it's now back with a vengeance--roaring louder than ever.
From reading other posts, could I possibly be having a bromide detox? I'm a little leery about drinking concentrated salt water since I also fight off hypertension with potassium supplements (I dropped them while taking Iodoral since it's also a form of potassium). Different doctors prescribed every type of BP med at different times, but they all had very adverse effects on my sense of well being...hence the supplements which work effectively for me, but irritate the doctors.
Three 180 tab bottles of Iodoral should arrive on my doorstep tomorrow.
I want to feel as wonderful as I felt in November when iodine supplements dramatically changed my life for the better. Thanks in advance for your much needed assistance...