Disclaimer: no one should ever do this full strength. I wish I hadn’t but since I did and the results were interesting I thought I‘d share.
I used GSE concentrate as a vaginal suppository. My intuition kept telling me to do this and I followed it. I should have researched the correct way to do it 1’st.
Perhaps 5 minutes after inserting the vaginal suppository I realized this was a mistake. It felt like it was burning my insides. Mucus was flowing out in a steady stream. I did a preliminary check and it didn’t feel bad on the outer tissues so I though perhaps this is just really moving things. I waited 5 more minutes and the discomfort as well as some bleeding had me scared enough to clean it out. At that point I was considering the ER.
I got into a warm bath and got as much out as possible. Chunks of candida came out. When I got out of the bath it felt like every part of my reproductive system was swollen and sore. My ovaries and uterus even felt sore. I tried lying down and I could deal with the discomfort, granted I’m hard headed and have a very high pain threshold, so while uncomfortable dealt with it.... well I dealt with it until my boyfriend came over, any movement was horrible. I ended up taking 800mg Motrin & 2 vicodin to deal with the pain.
Effects: this morning when I used the bathroom I felt a glob of stuff drop from my vagina. When I wiped I saw that it was a thick, yellowish, mucous. Stuff was definitely clearing. I’d been having problems with this type of discharge on and off for years. I’d go see my MD and they either couldn’t find anything (this was last visit) or treat me for BV (bacteria vaginitis). It never felt cleared to me. Today told me it hadn’t been and I got rid of a lot of it with the GSE.
I noticed that part of my bowel movement was covered in white mucus which I assume is candida.
While I love that that stuff is out it was much too harsh a way to do it. I remain painful and swollen inside. I feel exhausted, dehydrated, and am running a low grade temp. I used Probiotics vaginally because I’m concerned that if I don’t replenish good bacteria the little amount that hadn’t been killed with the GSE will return.
I think this might be useful for others if the GSE is diluted. I’m still apologizing to my body and needed another 600 of Motrin and 2 vicodin to get past the am pain.
Hi CheeseBuff:
I've been filling an empty capsule with GSE to take orally every day, this time I just put it some where other than my mouth.
I'd been using VCO as a suppository every night prior to this (I'd used one of the applicators from the over the counter vaginal cream but filled it with VCO). It helped but nothing like this. Perhaps the two together would work well. I think the two together sound great. I'm sure some older post or more knowledgeable people could give let you know if this would be safe. I think the GSE needs to be diluted and a much smaller dose used than what I used.
I don't recommend doing it with just the GSE in a capsule like I did. It was very scary; I'm going to see my MD next week to make sure nothing got hurt in this process because I'm still quite swollen. The thing that amazes me is I'm up on my check ups, not "active", heck I've never been very "active", and still I have all this undiagnosed infection pouring out of me, it still hasn't stopped. Better out than in but how did I get a clean check up from my doctor?
This morning I woke with 102 temp. Seems I’ve brought some major infection out that my body can‘t handle. I’ll have to go see my doctor sooner than expected. I really didn’t want to get back on the abx path again but a 102 temp is nothing to play with.