Hi Edie,
I read the postings to your similar question above and think Pepe's advice is best for you. I think you need lots of water and green juices. Stay away from fiber for now, it soaks up water and will likely make things worse. You could use it later, once the colon has cleared, but at this impacted point I think it would just make matters worse.
While you tried to take it easy coming off the
Master-Cleanse (it sounds like you started off well), I think the combination of meat and starch was really bad for you.
Once you get things sorted out, I recommend
juicing to keep things that way, and look into food combining. The simple rules are: Fruits and their juices alone, never combine meat and starches/carbohydrates, starches/carbohydrates with vegetables are ok, and meats with vegetables are ok.
Drinking 2 cups of freshly made green juices (with a carrot to improve the taste) followed an hour later by 2 more cups of green juices helped me out in a similar situation - after eating cheeseburgers a week after going off a 22-day MC.
In addition, following up water and/or green juices with a dose of lax tea at night and a
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) in the morning should thoroughly relieve the problem.
Good luck!