I decided to join the group of "bleach drinkers anonymous" and started three days ago on
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement mixed with
citric acid and then some water.
Day 1 - 1 drop, day 2 - 2 drops, today - 3 drops. I feel fine so far.
The first day with 1 drop I smelled the awful smell all over the kitchen in no time flat and today it was even worse. I even put a plate over the glass today to try to contain it and it still leaked out. I can't stand this smell!
Are these fumes dangerous, does anyone know? (They smell like they would be.)
Are there any ideas as to how to control the smell? Or is it just me with too sensitive a sniffer?
I can't imagine what it will be like to get to 15 drops, as I couldn't stand the smell of one drop.
Any thoughts or ideas?
Thanks a bunch,