You have been such a hero on this board lately since your comeback, especially amongst those who either don't remember you or haven't been around long enough....tsk, tsk, I've been wondering just how long until you would throw us one of those infuriating curve balls for which you became infamous.....oh *sigh*.
But very well, I'm going t be a good sport here and offer my answer to your teaser:
Why does suggesting for years that you offer your magnificent sexual prowess and expertise on a blog, website, whatever, for the benefit of all mankind, have to go hand in hand with the person suggesting it being the visual object of said demonstrations??? Why can't wonder- husband use an inflatable doll since its "ONLY instructional marital aide"?
Rather than a compliment, I would take it as a sign that my husband, the one who thinks that women are to be seen (as well manicured, thin, athletic, fashionable, and whenever possible, blonde Barbies) and heard as little as possible, is much more concerned about flaunting himself and his intellectual and physical possesions, rather than protecting and sheltering me, his wife, from onlookers all over the world. I would feel truly naked and would ponder what has kept me for 20 years next to a man so full of himself.
But then, don't listen to me. I have said many times on this board that I'm not a feminist, I'm just a retrograde, too old for my age biddy who expects a man to honor, respect and protect me. Now I can't wait to hear the responses from my more liberated sisters.
Yes, I'm aware that there are many guys out there that don't know their behinds from their mate's,..elbow.....but I'm apparently also under the wrong impression that orgasms weren't rocket science. Oh shoot, wonder what I've been missing? Here I thought I was really happy. Well, maybe I'll ask DH if we should go in front of the web cam tonight!
Making uproarious conclusions as usual. But wait, I missed something....when did anyone ask if your life was interesting? Does anyone really care? Are you so sure all the little people out there beyond the scope of your nose are really all that bored? Har, har har
You asked for opinions and I gave you mine, and since you did not say you would like responses from all women except Alikat, I , being no blushing wallflower, decided to give you my own honest response. Of course you didn't like it because it doesn't fan your tail. Awwww, too bad, so sad......
And so why is it you can give me a 15 page response to my 14 page dissertation?
I gave you what you asked for, an honest, heart felt response to your baiting query, and Oh geee, now the news is out all over the Curezone, Alikat doesn't ROCK!!---boo hoo I'm on MtnnDeww's s&!# list, a fate worse than dandruff :.(
Moderators huh? Well there's an area I know nothing about...
Now, as for your colorectal decisions........... rotflol