You know, I watched Good Mourning America this morning and here's the stories, one after another...Religous Mike Huckabee pardons a convicted sex criminal who then rapes and kills in another state. Huckabee ducks and weaves, but it's all true. Then Religious Miss California touts her religious beliefs on stage, is told there's a mixup with the Excel program that tallied the results, and she didn't win the title. It was a mistake. Does the former Miss California forgive the mistake? Hell no! Then, our Religious Hollywood couple The Quaids march their lawyer front and center to sue a drug company because a nurse prescribed an incorrect doseage of another drug whose packaging is similar. But the label clearly states what the drug is and who should receive it. The nurse made a mistake. But what does the Religous Hollywood couple do? They sue, for millions of dollars, even though the lawyer states "It's not a money issue, Diane". Please. My question to the good folks on this board for discussion...Is it too much to ask that my Christian brothers and sisters act a little better than the average athiest out there? Can my Baptist preacher man be a little less sinful than average? How about my runway model who wants sympathetic ears when she confesses faith. Can she be a little less sinful than average and a whole lot more understanding? How about those lovable Quaids. The nurse who made the mistake probably feels terrible, can we not then try to extract financial gain from deep pocketed drug companies who attach labels larger than the bottles themselves in order to provide safety? I don't ask for sinless. That's not possible. We all sin, I get that, I accept that. But I can't tell the difference between the Religious folks and the athiests anymore. Shouldn't I expect better?
You bring up a very good point, and the answer will be OBJECTIVE (politically incorrect). Objectively, the word Christian is supposed to refer to "Godly Christian" (as Jesus would like us to be). As Jesus was EXPLAINING in His sermon(Matthew 5, NOTHING in scripture is "there just because it's there", all events occurred so they would be recorded and we could learn from them, there were no haphazard/random occurrences), a "Godly" Christian should have TRUE compassion (tears of sorrow/rivers of living water, John 7:38) for those who suffer misfortune.
This is an EXAMPLE of what and how (ATTITUDE) a Christian should be (Godly). HAVING (the goal is not self-righteous SHOWING to uneffected spectators) true compassion will not be the same for everyone (since I suffered 51 yrs. of suicidal depression, my compassion may not be obvious to the self-righteous spectator).
Some people have suffered hardship, some have been demoralized/alienated, and some have never really suffered at all, so, ideally, each person's ability for compassion should not be judged, it is their willingness to RESPECT/TOLERATE others that are just that makes a person a Godly Christian or not.
Yes, more should be "forthcoming" of those who call themselves Christians, but compassion is only learned by being able to relate to suffering. I received "intensive training" for 51 yrs. (maybe I'm just hard-headed). I wouldn't wish that on anyone, and we shouldn't place requirements on others (OUR own love should cover/forgive/overlook a multitude of their [harmless] sins)...
The Quaids pursued their god in court (the "world's" riches). All who CALL themselves "Christian" CALL themselves that for a reason,...because if they didn't, no one would think they are Christian.
What it really comes down is a matter of the heart. True Christianity (Godly Christianity) is not merely a "faith" (neither is it really just a "lifestyle" that you restrict yourself to). True Christianity is a "love", not only for God, but a respect for your fellow human being and a respect for absolutes ("good and right and true", Ephesians 5:8 and 9, learn to love God's WAYS). Many people like to (or are taught to) think that faith alone is sufficient (The Lord's grace should be considered "sufficient"), but what happens when persecution and deception get strong (as in the end times), can falter, or we become distracted/disillusioned by getting upset about what other people do, etc., but if we have a PERSONAL relationship with God and it is based on LOVE (instead of just mere faith), then we will be able to withstand all the attacks and deception and still remain true to The Lord in spirit and truth. What will happen when all those who base their "Christianity" on faith alone encounter DECEPTION?...such as this...
If you base your Christianity on LOVE for God instead of "whatever you can believe in" (faith), you will disregard everything and anything that could possibly interfere with your LOVE relationship.
So, we can all get upset about the things that OTHER people do, but what's really important is not what THEY do, but what WE ourselves do.
I can't say that this is trick photography, I don't know. Satan isn't also named the "prince of the POWER OF the air" for no reason. Anyone can have "faith" to believe in anything.
Hi there. You wrote, "Is it too much to ask that my Christian brothers and sisters act a little better than the average athiest out there?" Though I understand what you are saying, I just wanted to point out that in my observation the average atheist does not behave any worse towards their fellow man than the average Christian. In fact, the atheists I know personally, perhaps because they do not rely on God to make the world right, so to speak, tend to be very socially active and conscious people. Not that I don't understand the point you are trying to make - I mean, one would THINK/HOPE Christians or the religious in general would be nicer, more tolerant, etc., I just think to assume atheists are not is a bit of an erroneous assumption. Not in all cases of course - there is bad in every bunch, but as a generalization I think it is not 100% fair.
You know really can generalize and get away with it on this topic. I love generalizations because they offer up odds. I want to play the odds with the people I meet on a daily basis. I want to know who's likely to screw me and who tends to be honest. I have mentioned how religious folks act in business for the past 20 years. I've asked this opinion of everybody, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, car salesmen, restaurant workers, business owners...and I get the same exact comments across the board. "When a guy tells me he's religious I run for cover." one guy put it. It's well known. Religious people don't really practice what they preach for some odd reason, at least not in the percentages one would predict. When I hear "I prayed last night to do this or not." I hold up a red flag and look for the exit. Athiests usually do what they say. They tend to follow through. You gotta act the part or it just doesn't hold water, my friend. You can and should believe in The Lord but should you also screw as many people along the way? No, of course not. Repentence. Live the life. It all comes down to my original premise...Christians gotta do a better job. The people need to see a difference in you from the next guy over there who doesn't attend church. When I shake hands on a deal with a religous guy it doesn't have the same weight as the athiest hand shake. More times than not. That's a damn shame, isn't it? Even my Lutheran Pastor agrees. How many more people do you want me to ask before you believe it's true??????
I don't really understand the Lutheran faith, denomination, philosophy, manner of worship, etc. (I thought "Lutheran" was a sort of "religion", although I'm not surprised to hear such realistic thinking come from you or your pastor, Godly people are "renegades" from religious THINKING, but a "manner of worship" will always be present).
I think the dividing line between religious thinking and Godly thinking is that a "religion" teaches that a person's thinking/behavior should be governed/restricted to "the textbook",...resulting in the religious person's denial of SELF (Colossians 2:18 and 23).
Being a GODLY Christian (regardless of a chosen "manner of worship") requires HEARING God's word (John 10:27,...the sword of the spirit, Ephesians 6:17) and establishing a "self" (conscience, some have made shipwreck of their personal relationship by disregarding it) by knowing yourself AND being the person you really are (justly and with reverence to The Lord). We are God's offspring and can only experience true inner peace by imitating Him (His name throughout all eternity is "I am who I am", Exodus 3:14).
Sadly, the "religious" worshipper has been convinced (taught) to be hypocritical by nature because "self" HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THEM and their mind replaced by "text" (and rigor of devotion).
All scripture (word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 1:13) is good for TRAINING ("ELEMENTARY"/introductory doctrine, Hebrews 6:1) and has been inspired by God. In The Great Commission, The Lord specified to only spread the GOSPEL (first four books of the N.T., realizing that the sincere would choose to continue on with all scripture), but "religion" makes the requirement that our relationship/devotion be based on the bible IN TOTALITY and not have the priority of HEARING God's will.
Well, actually, I am not arguing your point at all. I think you have an excellent point. My impression from your original post was that you were "implying", by comparison, that atheists were generally NOT moral and upstanding citizens, so I was defending them (as a whole). Now, I see you do think so. So, we are not at odds on this topic - I simply mis-understood your point.