Here they are, but it doesn't say how much of each.
Persimmon Leaf
(Diospyros kaki)
Traditional uses: Allergies, Hay Fever, Itching, Rough Skin
Malva Leaf (Chinese Mallow)
(Malva verticillata)
Traditional uses: Demulcent (soothes and softens irritated tissues, especially mucus membranes) diuretic, emollient (softens the skin) galactagogue (increases blood flow in nursing mothers) gentle stimulation of the bowels.
Holy Thistle
(Silybum marianum)
Traditional uses: Supporting the liver in the release of toxins. Medicinal use for over 2000 years, most commonly for the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders. Blood purifier, Stomach and digestive disorders. Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys and lungs.
(Althaea officinalis)
Traditional uses: Soothe and support the intestines. Relief of coughs and irritated throats. Traditional remedy for respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion. Used to treat sore throat and to alleviate heartburn, and stomach problems. Mild anti-infective and immune-boosting properties.
Considered a cure-all by the ancient Greeks.
Blessed Thistle
(Cnicus benedictus)
Traditional uses: Recorded as far back as the early 16th century for treating smallpox, fever, anorexia, dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and flatulence, as well as to treat liver and gall bladder disorders.
At one time this herb was ascribed the nearly supernatural qualities of a "cure all". More recently it has shown to be useful in: Indigestion, heartburn and poor appetite. In herbal medicine today, blessed thistle is used to treat infections, heart and liver ailments, and fevers.
In vitro studies with extracts of Blessed Thistle have shown considerable antibacterial activity against a wide variety of organisms. Anti-yeast activity against Candida albicans has been found in vitro using extract of Blessed Thistle.
Cell cultures have shown cytotoxicity against cancer cells using extract of blessed thistle.
Herbs That Heal: Prescription for Herbal Healing
(by Michael A Weiner & Janet A Weiner)
These are traditional uses of the herbs contained in Holy Tea.